9. Concussion

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"Holy shit!" One of Angela's friends rushed to her side, watching the blood pool from her face in horror, "Angela are you okay?"

"Oh my god." You could barely breathe.

You knew Jane could be aggressive from time to time but you never knew she was capable of full blown assault.

Your draw dropped as you stared at Angela as she pulled herself up, looking dazed, almost concussed.

You glanced to El. Half the people in the building were staring at her now. They probably thought she was mental.

The poor girl looked as if she was processing what she'd just done. Regret was swimming in her eyes, tears threatening to spill.

"El." You run towards her. She probably needed someone with her now.

But Jane didn't even notice you were there. She just continued to stare at the wounded girl.

"Holy shit El." Mike and Will were beside you two now, "What happened?"

"Oh god." Will uttered, staring at the blood that was now practically covering Angela's face.

First aiders ran onto the scene, ready with cold compresses, pain killers and bandages. The women pushed past you to attend to their patient, asking her simple questions like 'what's your name?' and 'do you know where you are?'

You guessed that was to check whether she was concussed or not.

At this point, everyone was either staring at El or Angela. And none of the looks you all were getting were very nice.

El was sat down in a booth, snivelling. You felt bad for her. I mean, she did was what right, she stood up to the bullies, now everyone hated her for it.

"Hey. You okay?" You pause, you were rubbish at reassuring people, "I-I mean that's a stupid question."

She didn't reply. She just continued staring at one spot on the floor. Who knew what was going through her head, could've been anything.

"Um... I know the people are staring but it's best to ignore them. Angela was horrible to you, she got what was coming to her."

You give her a reassuring grin but she didn't respond again.


No reply.

"Y/n," Mike seemed to be listening to your conversation, "Maybe just give her some time. We need to find Johnathan and Argyle so they can get us out of here, where d'you reckon they'll be?"

"I don't k-" You began but Will cut you off, whispering something into Mike's ear.

"HE'S PROBABLY SMOKING POT IN THE BATHROOM??" Mike repeated Will's words a lot louder than he was supposed to.

People turned around to look, then started whispering to each other again. That mean probably a lot of foul words were being used against you all right now. Oh well.

"Heyyy." Johnathan appeared out of nowhere, practically on command. He looked high, maybe he had been smoking pot in the bathroom after all.

"Where'd you say the weed was?" He snickered at his own joke. Argyle, who was stood beside him, did too.

"Brochachos!" Argyle slurred, "Wanna get back now?"

You didn't hesitate to nod, today had been eventful to say the least, you couldn't wait to get home.

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