47. Phone Numbers

928 34 30

When you got out of the van, it felt even colder than it did before. It was meant to be May, what was happening with this weather?

You rubbed your arms as you stretched your legs, feeling the exhaustion seeping from your joints.

Argyle yawned, pulling himself out of the truck after you all. He fixed his eyes on the Surfer Boy Pizza sign that was positioned on the other side of the road. It was glowing in the moonlight.

Mike, Will and Eleven walked out of the van behind you. They looked equally as chilly. Eleven was wearing Mike's jumper, it did look quite sweet. They both looked quite happy together, Will was third wheeling again.

"Hey, Y/n."

It didn't surprise you that Will started talking to you. But you hoped it wasn't just because you were the only option now that Mike was so preoccupied with Eleven.

Still, you smiled, turning back to him, "Hey, you alright?"

Will looked shy all of a sudden, his brown hair gently flickering in the wind. Things all looked so simple, just the two of you, out together.

"Not really but I don't think anyone can be now, you?" He shrugged, he was definitely tired too, you could see it in the way that he held himself.

"Yeah, no, I mean, yeah, I'm alright, just worried about the others."

You both gave each other awkward smiles, not sure what to say now.

For once, you were glad that Johnathan interrupted by pushing past the two of you, towards the pay phone on the side of the wall.

At least it meant you wouldn't have to worry about making awkward conversation with the boy you liked.

"Argyle, pass me a quarter." Johnathan demanded as he punched in some numbers. He really was turning into the mum of the group.

Johnathan tried ringing anyone who would answer, trying multiple airport lines and begging for 'just one seat' to get there in time. However, he had no luck.

The boy cursed, thumping the telephone box in frustration. He brushed his hair from his eyes, staring at the phone angrily.

Will glanced to you then glanced away, he was looking awkward, embarrassed or something like that. You couldn't tell. He was definitely thinking about something important, maybe planning something? You couldn't tell.

"Please," Johnathan tried with the next number, "One of our family members are very sick, we don't think they're going to make it through the night. Please, we need to see them for tomorrow, before it's too late."

You sighed, there was no use.

You looked towards Will and Mike, they both knew there was no hope. It was only Mike who was still pretending there was hope, just for El's sake.

And Will was clearly sick of Mike's pretending.

He backed away from the group, turning towards you and slowly bringing himself closer and closer. Shivers ran down your spine.

"Y/n, do you want to maybe get away from it all for a minute?"

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