69. ETA

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Your parents were immediately on their way, or at least that's what they said. You weren't sure what was happening, they said they were going to fly over, desperate to see you.

In some ways, you felt bad you hadn't contacted them sooner, but then again, you felt bad that you were leaving so soon.

You looked to Robin, who lay sprawled over the mattress beside you. She gave you a friendly smile before returning to staring at the ceiling.

"What time do you reckon they'll get here?" She asked, not making eye contact. She was practically off in her own world, Robin did that a lot.

"Some time tomorrow, their flight's tonight." You replied, blankly.

You were starting to feel tired, and a bit guilty. You glanced at your watch, it was only 5:15, why were you so sleepy?

"They didn't give you an exact ETA?" Robin asked, turning her head towards you.

"Yeah, they said outside the town hall at around eleven." You replied, "I don't think they know it's completely ruined."

Robin scoffs, and so do you.

"It's a bit of a shitty situation." She added, "I mean we're all fucked, aren't we?"

You nodded, almost laughing at how stupid the situation was.

"We'll have to find a way for you to say bye to everyone before you leave," Robin continued, "I'll call Steve later and let him know."

"Are you and Steve, you know..." You had to ask really.

Robin shook her head, smirking. 

"Are you and Will, you know..." She mimicked you, making you roll your eyes.

You shook your head too.

"Well, either way, if you're leaving I'm sure he will miss you very much."

You rolled your eyes again, sick of these jokes by now. But still, you kept your smile up.

"I'll miss you more." You joked.

Robin gently punched your arm, sitting up beside you. It was quiet for a little.

You were starting to get hungry, you could feel your stomach rumbling and you wondered what Robin had to eat.

You were about to ask her when she started talking...

"So," She began "You have just under 18 hours left in Hawkins, so do you want to visit some of the best parts before you go?"

Robin looked at you hopefully. You couldn't say no even if you wanted to.

"Sure." You grinned as you both stood up.

"First stop," Robin drummed her hands on the desk closest to her, "Takeaway Pizza."

You smiled. She always knew exactly what to say. It was just what you wanted.

You couldn't say no to that either.

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