8. The Fight at the Rink

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You'd been looking for El for almost half an hour now.

"Not there?" Will asked as you came back from the toilets.

"No." You shook your head.

Mike and Will were waiting together. Mike almost seemed grumpy.

"You should've told me she was having trouble." Mike blurted out, staring at Will accusingly.

"I didn't know they were going to be here." Will defended himself, throwing his arms up in the air.

"Yeah but you knew she was having trouble for like a year and you didn't tell me." Mike persisted.

"I didn't know she was lying to you." Will's voice went higher as he argued.

"Is that why you were being a douche all day?" Mike asked, raising his eyebrows, "Rolling your eyes, moping and barely talking to me. You basically sabotaged the whole day."

"Woah, woah, not the whole day." You try and save Will from getting battered but Mike just said...

"You're just defending him because you're friends." Mike argued, "It's like you've ditched me for her Will!"

"You ditch me for El all the time?!?" Will was yelling the loudest you've ever heard him.

"But that's.. different." Mike continues, "But still.. what was wrong with you?"

"Well, I've been a total third wheel for most of the day so sorry if I wasn't smiling." Will glared at Mike.

"Whatever man." Mike began to walk away.

"Well what about us." Will shouted back.

This clearly wasn't your fight. You might as well just walk away and focus on looking for El.

You wove through crowds, asking random people if they'd seen her. You couldn't bare the thought that she was locked somewhere crying to herself.


That was Jane's voice. Her saying that name though, wasn't a good sign.

"Uh oh, look who it is." That was Angela's voice.

You slowly walked around to the side of the rink where the two girls were. However, just as you got close, you accidentally walked into a man and had to apologise.

Shit, you'd just lost track of where Jane was.

You walk over and find her in time to see her striding towards Angela's friend group again. Her face looked determined, fixed on the girls. She didn't even notice you until you yelled.


She turned around and said one thing, "I have to do this."

She spun around and stole a skate from a random person who happened to be sat beside where she was standing.

Then El gripped the skate firmly, rushing up to the bullies.

"Angela." Was the last word anyone could hear before the whole rink was filled with screams of terror.

Jane had whacked the bully on the head with a roller-skate and now Angela's head was bleeding. Fast.

Jane was getting into deep shit now.

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