45. Eleven

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The van cruised along as Mike yelled incoherently. He'd spotted Eleven too. And he was lost for words.

You searched his face, seeing traces of fear, worry but most of all love. And of course, relief that he'd finally found her.

But then the noises of the others took over.

"Oh shit."

"What's she doing on the ground, man?"

"Is that BLOOD?"

"Man, this is not cool."

"Holy shit."

Jonathan revved the engine, sending it speeding down the dirt track faster than you thought the van could manage. It creaked and groaned as it neared the scene, barely held together.

The helicopter above was beginning to sway in the air a lot more noticeably now. It couldn't be Jane, could it?

I mean, it was still quite hard for you to process that your friend, a complete loser, had crazy magical superpowers and could move helicopters with her mind. It was just... mental.

Like, how was it possible?

And then, without warning, Eleven brought down the aircraft, sending its blades thundering into what was once the 'Nina Project' with a loud boom.

A fiery explosion lit up the sky, followed by a plume of smoke escaping the wreckage.

This was scary.

This was real.

What the fuck had just happened?

Jonathan swerved the van, avoiding the flames as best he could. Mike cursed as you rocketed past, flames licking the side of the van.

You watched as Eleven collapsed onto her knees. She was stood alone in front of the wreckage.

Jonathan slammed the breaks on and Mike ripped open the door, clamouring to get out and see the one he loved most. Everyone else followed, you were more stunned than the others. It had all happened so fast.

Mike raced towards the girl, placing his hands on her shoulder and shaking her, "Eleven??"

He was smiling.

Jane had to process things for a moment, her face tired and weary from the attack. But, once she had, she pulled Mike into a very tight hug.

"Mike?" She muttered, a small smile forming on her face, "It's really you?"

They hugged again, so close together.

You looked to Will. He was looking at the floor. His mind was somewhere else, you could tell he wasn't comfortable. It was almost as if his heart ached looking at the two of them, it looked like he was about to throw up.

You gave him a weak smile, and he returned it, but then he looked back to El and Mike. El smiled at Will and he smiled too.

You wondered what he was thinking.

Slowly, she got up and started walking towards him. They hugged, happy to be reunited. And even though they weren't actually related, they had a bond as strong (if not stronger) than siblings would.

"Eleven??" He could barely make out words as they pulled each other into a hug, "You're okay!"

"I'm okay." She smiled reassuringly.

Then Johnathan interrupted...

"Um, guys, we've got to go. We gotta get you out of here."

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