Introduction to the AU

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     This is going to be very detailed and long winded. If you want to just find the chapters with your favorite pairings and go I won't be offended! If you're missing some context you can always come back.

     Alright! This is my Alternate Universe where all the boys live a lot closer together and are a little obsessed with tickling!

     This story will be written with my own personal head-cannons about each boy in mind! This specific chapter will also probably be changing as I write!


Living Situations
All of the houses are in the same area of Florida and most of them just just moved in recently.
- George, Dream, and SapNap live together
- Skeppy and BadBoyHalo live together
- Quackity lives alone
- Karl Jacoba lives alone

     There will be a few stories that take place in the DSMP! This is a complete fluff piece so in my DSMP world there is no angst! Fiancés are together and happy. The egg is around, but still harmless. No one is imprisoned or exiled.

Ages (Canon)
Skeppy-23 BadBoyHalo- 27 Quackity- 22
Dream- 23 GeorgeNotFound- 26 SapNap- 21
Karl Jacobs- 24

- George and Quackity both are in love with each other, but just do not know it yet.
- BadBoyHalo and Skeppy have a very intense platonic best-friendship, and just like in real life they lean on the idea of shipping as joke and the idea of it is very funny and ever-present in their interactions. But, they are best friends.
- No actual pairings - everyone is just BFFs.

Characters That Will Not Be Included
- Tommyinnit (I am not comfortable with how young he is. I'm aware he is 18.)
- Technoblade (It actually breaks my heart to write about him. I am so happy a lot of you find peace in keeping him alive through stories, but I am just not capable of it at the moment.)

Your Input
     If you find yourself wanting more from this book and want to see if I can deliver, let me know! A certain pairing you're just desperate for? A specific scenario you need? Get inspired and made art that would go perfectly with a story? Come into my DMs and maybe we can figure something out. We could do requests or a collab. Or figure something else out! The only requirements for my DMs are that you have to be 18+. You also have to be patient if I do not respond right away.

Some Lingo To Help Get my Headcannons Across
I actually think it is very rare to fall into a perfect definition of a Lee, Ler, or Switch. My selections for each are going to be very loosey-goosey here, but I think it might help get my vibe of each boy across.

Quackity: Ler-leaning switch
George: Lee-leaning switch
Dream: Switch
Karl Jacobs: Lee-leaning switch
Skeppy: Ler
BadBoyHalo: Lee

(If you have a strong opinion that opposes mine I would actually love love to hear it!! Comment away!)

Fun Facts
-George is very ticklish, but he is 10 times as ticklish when it is Dream tickling him.

-BadBoyHalo and Skeppy aren't dating, but they might as well be. They know each other and their tickle spots better than anybody. Platonic Soulmates.

-Karl Jacobs's love language is physical touch. (Just like in real life!)

Everyone's Death Spots

Quackity- Back
Skeppy- Ribs
Karl Jacobs- Shoulders/Neck
BadBoyHalo- Thighs/Knees
GeorgeNotFound- Armpits
Dream- Stomach
Sapnap- Feet

Dream Team (Plus Friends) - Tickle AUWhere stories live. Discover now