Chapter 107: Barganing in the Dark

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Thank you to @Spanishdougla for your support of A Song of Silence!!! You reading my book and favoriting it means the world to me!!!!

It did not take long for Lady Isidore to respond to my letter. The next morning we were on our horses and riding away from the Capital. Isidore did inform me that she sent a letter to Azazel informing him of our journey as soon as we had left. I admired her tenacity to inform him even after my letter had specified that she was not to tell him anything. What Lady Isidore did not know was that I had my spies intercept her letter. Azazel would not receive it until tomorrow morning when we would be too far away for him to do anything.

As expected, the next morning as we rode away from the inn, I could feel the rumble of the air as it was suffused with his rage. That and the tattoo he had yet to remove from my private squirmed and pinched me uncomfortably before settling down. I could feel through the mark that he was curious about what I was doing. I was solving his problems thats what and he would soon learn that he shouldn't have driven me away with his childish games once this was all over.

Isidore talked rarely on our journey. She no doubt saw me as an obstacle in between her and chumming it up with Azazel in the hopes of being the next High Queen. It was that or she really didn't fucking like me for some odd reason. Either way, we talked little and only communicated to get somewhere to stay for the night or to stop for bathroom breaks. Her presence here wasn't to get on Azazel's good side, but to help me in the bargaining with the Istlean people, so I only bothered to be cordial, nothing more.

Days passed in uncomfortable silence until we finally reached the Istlean Ruins. We were greeted by a very unfriendly sight of a great army with a tent set up for us to meet the diplomats. Isidore and I dismounted from our horses and walked inside the tent. Inside we were greeted by the sight of Lady Roseline and several generals waiting quietly for us. Their faces were cold and impassive. I could already tell that this was going to be dissociate. We were dressed warmly, so they didn't notice my lightning band, it was covered by gloves.

I spoke first, "Thank you for meeting with us." Silence. Isidore stood stiffly beside me, uncomfortable and likely not used to being treated so coldly. "Let's get down to business shall we?" I say briskly. I had always been one to get down to business and from the looks of things, the Istlean people were not one for small talk. "We want your people to stop their rebellion and live peacefully among the rest of Altreya. You have yet to tell us what your people want or their reason for rebelling against High King Azazel. If you could do that now, that would be great." Wide gazes and a cough from Isidore met my words. It's true, I wasn't much of a talker. That was what Isidore was for and she had refused to speak. Now we were left with my blunt words and a hope that we would get out of this alive.

"Who are you to speak for the High King?" One of the generals asks.

"I am a member of his inner circle and his former fiancée."

A scoff escapes out of the general before he speaks, "Our sources tell us that you are no longer a part of his inner circle and that a proposal was never formally made."

I incline my head in acknowledgment, damn his spies were good. "True, but I am the only fae even remotely close to the High King that was willing to meet with you and this one," I say gesturing to Isidore,"is actually a member of his council. She had to be practically dragged here, of course, but we are the only ones willing to hear your requests. So, say what you want. I have no patience for stupidity."

Their eyebrows raised in what either was being stunned by my nerve or outrage. I guess we would see which was which in a moment when one of them spoke, "What makes you think our people would wish to be subjugated by your High King any longer?"

"Because the only other outcome is annihilation." My words came out calm, but the generals stiffened at the threat.

The general who had spoken to me before, now says, "As you can see," he gestures outside of the tent where many, many troops wait outside, "Your High King is the one that will be annihilated, not the other way around."

This makes me laugh. Like really, really laugh. Full bellies chuckles break out of me leading to strange looks from everyone in the room, including Isidore. When the laughs finally subside and I wipe the tears from my eyes, I finally speak, "That's...that is a great joke, general. To think that you could stand against the armies of the High King. That you think you could win with the pitiful amount of fae you have outside. Hah! Its almost laughable. With a snap of his fingers the High King could kill half of your army and leave the rest for his soldiers to fight for practice. I'm sorry to tell two, but your people would not stand a chance." I was bluffing of course. I didn't know the true extent of Azazel's powers, but I knew that he was powerful enough to decimate a large part of the army surrounding us.

The generals didn't seem fazed by my words and instead said, "Yes, but there are many ways to kill a king. Kill him and the people will fall in line."

"Yes, but a king like that is well protected. Especially because he has no heirs."

"There are many ways to kill a king."

"If you are suggesting assassination, I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

"Why is that?" The general snaps at me.

"What, your spies haven't informed you yet?" I say, mocking that their informers hadn't picked up that tidbit.

"Aerilynn!" Isolde whisper screams at me. Taking a deep breath, i back down and let Isolde take the lead, "What Aerilynn meant to say was that there has been a change of leadership in that department and that your goals would have much more success if you bargained with the fae in front of you, rather than trying to kill the High King." There. That was quite diplomatic. I didn't have that ability when irritated, but Isolde seemed to have it down. That was exactly why I brought her here. To make sure I didn't fuck this up with my damn mouth.

"I think the assassins will do whatever we say once they learn that we have the Grand Assassin's daughter," the general sneers at us. Damn those spies were good.

"Again, there was a change of leadership. My ass of a father is long dead." I reply.

"Aerilynn, language!" Isolde snaps at me.

Turning to her, I say, "You're here to make sure this goes smoothly, not to berate my for my cussing."

"Who killed him?" The general asks.

"I did."

"Then you are now our prisoner and you will order your assassins to kill your king if you and your little friend want to live," he says, a greedy glint entering his eyes.

I laugh hard. Tears spring up at the corners of my eyes at his suggestion. Order the assassins to kill Azazel? Man this guy was an idiot. Once my laughter has subsided, I reply, "Again! There was a change of leadership and I gave the throne to my younger sibling. I mean come on! How many times do I have to say it!"

"Then, then, we will order your brother to kill the king because now that we have his older sister hostage!" He says.

Now this is just getting ridiculous. Also, very misogynistic of him to assume my younger sibling is a guy. I open my mouth to tell him how much of an idiot he is, but Lady Roseline beats me to the punch. Instead of speaking though, she just freezes him. Alive. A frozen statue is all that remains of the moron. "Now that he is finally quiet," she says, "We can get down to business."

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