Chapter 3: A Friend in the Dark

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My feet stop their movements all together. Shock and anger wrench their way through my perfectly crafted facade. The Grand Assassin? No. It couldn't be.

"Aeri, what is it?" Brynn asks, facing me now that our trek through the woods had stopped abruptly. She wrings her hands, a nervous habit I've yet to get her to break, "I know you swore you'd never work for him again, but technically you will be taking the job from someone else. The Grand Assassin will just be paying the bill."

I sigh, Brynn knew most of my dark, bloody history with The Guild of Shadows and she also knew of my tenuous relationship with its great benefactor. Both were not good and were something I actively tried to avoid. The Grand Assassin must really need this job done if he's willing to come to me for it. We departed decades ago after I had earned my freedom and I had left after a few scathing remarks. We had not seen each other in the time since.

The Grand Assassin was clever about this job, as he was everything else. He had scared off all my regular, reliable contracts and knew that too little traveling outside SilverHollow would drive me insane. He had left me in a precarious situation. If I refused the contract, I would never see another job again. On the other hand, I loathed to take another job from a man that tolerated me as much as I did him, that was, very little.

Alright, send the message that I accept the contract, I reluctantly sign. Brynns tense body easily relaxes and we continue our trek to SilverHollow's town square. As we arrive the rolling chatter slowly considerably as the other fae netizens spot me. Even after almost 15 years of living here and protecting them, I am still ostracized by the general public.

"What are you all looking at!" Brynn yells at them. Ashamed at being reprimanded for staring, the other fae quickly avert their gazes and continue their conversations, albeit quieter than before.

You didn't need to do that, I can stand up for myself.

A small smile graces my face, grateful nonetheless for her support. "I know very well you can take care of yourself," she pauses, " but it doesn't mean you need to all the time."

I shake my head at her words. She's right, of course, but my pride won't let me admit it. As we continue through the town, little details that weren't avidly visible before from my tree perch become more visible.

John, the bakers son had gotten in trouble because he manipulated the wind around him with his fae gift and had knocked his fathers, a well practiced fire forger's, newly forged sword onto the ground. The young girl that had been frolicking in the fountain had been practicing her water bending and was creating little animals with the clear liquid. Paige, the avid gossip that she was had always been known to use her well-practiced, rarer gift with sound to hear things she wasn't supposed to hear.

After the job is done, I think I'll pay The Grand Assassin a visit.

Brynn gets a surprised look on her face before it is quickly replaced with fear. "I don't know Aeri, no matter your past relationship with him, he is still The Grand Assassin. On top of that he might not like the unwelcome intrusion."

Have you ever known me to underestimate or fear him Brynn? I ask.

"Well, no...but...."

I interrupted her train of thought. Then you should trust me now. In all the time I have walked this continent, I have made a great many mistakes, but this will not be one of them. I will pay him a visit and make it clear that I am no longer his to use.

My words seem to calm her nervous jitters and she calms considerably. We stopped walking and took shelter from the difficult afternoon sun under an awning.

Besides, he instigated this when he decided to hide his involvement in this job. It's only fair I pay him a visit to remind him of the terms of our agreement.

"Just promise me you'll be careful." Brynn says. "I can't lose you this soon after you've finally admitted we're friends." I roll my eyes at her words. "And on top of that, you promised you'd be at the singing center next full moon for my performance."

Ah, Brynn's recital. I'd forgotten completely and she'd kill me if I missed it. Ever since she was little Brynn had a voice that could rival a songbirds. She was heavily tutored as a child in order to perfect her unimaginable voice even more. But all those lessons and all those teachers couldn't rid her of her stage fright. That was until we met. Confidence was something I'd always had it spades, even as a child and my presence seemed to lighten her stage fright considerably. The only other person that came close to lightening her fear was her long time lover Axel, a local water fae in her village who specializes in helping crops grow.

After years and years of practice Brynn was finally able to compete in the music contest for all of the mountain stretch. The competition didn't even come close. Brynn won by spades and I couldn't have been happier for her. Ever since she had been performing all throughout the mountain stretch with either Axel or I in attendance to tamp down her stage fright.

You know I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'll complete the job and have a talk with The Grand Assassin. It'll only take me about two and a half weeks. I'll be back a couple days before your show.

"That's not what I'm worried about Aeri?"

Then what is?

"I kinda maybe might have promised some of the more wealthy attendees that there would be a certain dancing fae at the recital," She finishes, nervous about my reaction.

You've got to be kidding me.

Promises for the fae were as solid of a bargain as you can get. Not going through with a promise spelled certain death or something close enough to it to those who didn't follow through.

On top of that I wasn't well known for dancing as she was at singing, but I had danced next to Brynn when she was performing and with enough skill that people had started asking questions. I did not seek the fame or attention that came with such questions so I stopped dancing with Brynn. Unfortunately fae have long memories despite the centuries of life expectancy we had and fae that remembered my skillful steps were sure to do everything in their power to see the infamous "silver-haired mute" dance again.

Fine, I'll dance with you. But it's only this once and I'll only do it with a guarantee that you will stop making senseless promises. I keep telling you that you should only make promises when you can deal with the consequences yourself.

"You're the best, you know that!" Brynn squeals and jumps towards me wrapping me in a crushing hug.

I know, I know.

She finally lets me out of the bruising hug and says, "C'mon, we've got to celebrate the silver-haired mutes inevitable return to the spotlight and you finally getting a new contract after so long!"

Ever so slowly she drags me over to the inn she's staying at. It'll take us hours to get ready to go to the bar a few blocks down as according to Brynn, "you're not celebrating until your wearing a short skimpy dress and getting blackout drunk."

A Song of SilenceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz