Chapter 20: A Meeting in the Dark

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I stare at the night sky, anger and rage still fill me. Not even the night sky can give me the peace I so badly desire. I could not have faced the High family as angry as I was, so I sent a missive telling Karasi that I'd meet them tomorrow. Maybe then I'd have a bit more control over my emotions. The night sky twinkled in an all-encompassing array above me. I had climbed over the garden wall and fled to the roving hills nearby. Nobody could find me here and nobody no any animal would bother me. The animals sensed the danger within me. I sighed and lay back on the cold grass to see the stars from a better view. The moon was a faint glimmer in the corner of my eye. It was in the new moon phase, a phase meant for new beginnings and reflection. A lucky moon for it was needed by me tonight.

A branch snapped on the edge of the clearing I had found myself in. I sat up, pulled my dress up past my knee, and grabbed the daggers sheathed in my riding boots. I scanned the periphery of the clearing. No sight of a torch or anyone for that matter. Wait. There was more darkness in the shadow of a great oak tree, than anywhere else. A shadow fae. Whoever they are I prefer not to find out if they intend me harm. I grab the slimmer knife out of my other bout and throw it in the center of the darkness. The tendrils part and a hand grabs the knife before it can reach the shadows. "Now, now, Lady Aerilynn, that is no way to greet someone." A voice says. I recognize that voice. I've heard it only once before and even now it still sends shivers down my spine. The d shadows part to reveal a face that I already knew the voice belonged to. The High King.

He stepped out of the shadows he had created and twirled the knife I had thrown at him, in his hand. His lips catch my eye first. Lush and soft looking. Very kissable. Why am I thinking about kissing the High King. Get ahold of yourself!

Shadow fae could see effortlessly in the dark, so I didn't bother lighting the torch next to me to sign. Most fae that follow someone in the dark of night do not merely want to talk, Your Majesty. I was not going to be someone who took that chance.

"Wise of you. And might I say, that was a wonderful knife throw. How did you learn?"

I was hesitant to answer, but it could invoke his ire should I not answer and k did not need to be making such powerful enemies. My father taught me. He wanted to make sure I could defend myself. A half-truth. It would be best if I didn't mention that he taught me in order to kill fae.

"A wise decision not to lie to me, Lady Aerilynn. Few have such common sense." The High King begins to walk towards me, ever so slowly. Like a panther stalking his prey. Unfortunately for the High King, I am no prey.

What would have happened had I lied?

"I guess you have to wait and see when you lie to me in the future."


"Yes Lady Aerilynn, when."

Unluckily for you, Your Majesty I rarely lie.

"What about when you have a secret to be kept?"

I will be honest with who I am speaking to and omits the truth or tell them that I will not answer.

The High King finally reaches me and stop's a foot away. His scent of warm, masculine, spice and crisp nights reaches me. Just the smell and the calculating gaze he spears me with makes my toes curl in my boots and my heart start to race in my chest. "Interesting."

What is the purpose of this interrogation, Your Majesty?

"I merely wished to better understand the woman who will be the new healer for the realms only seer."

You don't trust me? I ask with a wry smile on my face.

"Did you expect me to?" He replies, curiosity in his gaze.

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