Chapter 69: Blame in the Dark

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Thank You to @Periwinkle_star for your support of A Song of Silence! I couldn't do this without you!

As I walked the halls of the palace the next morning, I couldn't help but notice the nods of respect and cautious stares that I got from the maids I passed. I had done very little last night to deserve such respect, but it seemed I had passed some sort of test the maids had set up for me. Whatever it was, it changed the attitudes of those surrounding me. My and Karasi's food was as pristine as it was before and the guards seem to have heard the news of my protecting Karasi, because they give me a respectful nod and wide berth as I pass by as well.

Nobody stops me as I make my way towards the High Queens rooms. Maybe they think I had been summoned because of my actions yesterday or the High Queen knew I would visit her. Whatever it was, the doors were going open as I entered her chambers. There she waited at a settee surrounded by canes and all sort of breakfast treats. She doesn't acknowledge me as I stop near her and I know she wouldn't let me stand if I curtsied, so I plop my form down in the chair next to her. Before she can reprimand me, I say, "Listen here and listen well, you pull shit like that again and hurt Karasi's reputation and you will fucking regret it. I don't give a shit what happens to my reputation or my good, but you mess with Karasi and you mess with me."

She looks up at me sharply, anger on her every feature, "Who are you to tell me what to do. After you took my husband from me. I have every right to kill you where you stand, but I held off for my sons sake so that he could move on from you!"

"You held off because you are a selfish bitch! You want me gone from your sons life so that you can have your perfect fucking little life with Azazel married to a woman you deem worthy! Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, Azazel deserves to have that choice for himself. And as for the death of the High King, he was the only father I had ever known! The only fae that dared to care for me and risked the consequences of doing so and you accuse me of taking your husband from you. I lost everything that day and I will continue to lose over and over because of that mistake." Her eyes widen in fear as I feel my power crackle and fill the room. My voice deepens and becomes more threatening than before, "Let me remind you that you took my mother from me. You led the Grand Assassin right to our doorstep and you are the reason I am what I am. You are the reason my body is covered in scars and I can take a life in a blink. You are the reason I am broken and angry. You did this to me and don't you fucking forget it."

The High Queen stands speechless as I try to reign in my anger. I can feel my power pulsing and begging to be released beyond the confines of the room it fills. I know that if I looked in the mirror, I would see an angry woman with glowing white eyes looking back at me. The static electricity in the air would put my hair to writhing until I ramped down my emotions. It would now be blandly obvious that I was one of the very few StormBringers on the continent. Breathing in and out evenly, I managed to tame my power and reign it back in.

Opening my eyes once more, I see High Queen Sylvia watching me carefully. "Why did you not kill me as you no doubt wish to?"

I measure her question before formulating a quiet truth, "because then I would be exactly the monster you believe me to be." With that I grab my skirts and walk out of the room. I need time and space right now and anywhere near the High Queen is not where I will get it. I quickly go to my room and change into my training clothes. To the average onlooker, it would seem that I am going to train with Karasi. It is the day to do so after all. But I won't be doing that today, instead I will be retreating to the moonlit grove that I had discovered upon my first coming to the Capital, Karasi wouldn't mind. The grotto had become my haven these past few weeks and I went there to cool down and think.

The silence of the woods met me. The lush grass was cool beneath my fingers. Comfortable and cool. Suddenly a fluffy, soft mound barreled into my back. I braced myself before I realized it was Akilah. She jumped on me once more and proceeded to lick me all over. Her enthusiasm made laughter bubble from my lips before I managed to cover it up. Pushing her away slightly, I knew this was her way of trying to cheer me up. Stroking her soft fur, I let her settle beside me on the cool grass.

The dark night air caressed the back of my neck as I search the clearing for the figure I knew would be there. Akilah couldn't have gotten here on her own. She was locked up in the castle. Akilah may be resourceful, but no dog can get past two stone walls and roaming guards. That only leaves Azazel bringing her as my only option. He is the only one who knows where to find me when I go to mope. I search the trees once more. No luck. Sighing, I turn back to Akikah but not before noticing the figure next to me on the grass. There Azazel sat, his eyes filled with humor. I gape at him for a moment before asking, "How did you sneak up on me?"

He shrugs his shoulders noncommittally, "What can I say, it's a gift."

"But I have always been able to sense you before, " I argue back at him.

He shakes his head and runs his hands through his onyx hair, "Because I let you sense me, firefly." I shake my head at him before he aisles closer to me, "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean? Nothings wrong." I try to lie, but Azazel sees through my false pretenses.

He nudged me in the side softly, "I know when something bothers you, now tell me."

Sighing I reluctantly say, "Your mother and I are just having a j no it of a disagreement."

Azazel stiffens at my words and asks protectively, "Is there anything I can do?"

"Just let us sort things out. It won't help anything if you butt in. Let us resolve this on our own terms." Azazel mulls over my words before reluctantly nodding. I can tell he wishes to say more, but refrains. "What is it?"

"I might have overheard part of you and my mother arguing earlier today. I knew you'd be sulking or training your frustration off in the training ring, so I made sure to bring Akilah with me, " he admits sheepishly.

I bristle at his words and ask carefully, "How much of it did you hear?"

"Enough," he says simply.

"Azazel, " i say sternly, "How much!"

"Do you truly blame her for your upbringing and the death of your mother?" He asks, solemn.

I ponder his words before carefully formulating my answer, "I said most of that out of anger and frustration. But to answer your question, she is the reason the Grand assassin found my mother an killed her. It took little effort to find me next and the rest is history." Azazel seems calmed by the truth to my words and leans back into the soft grass behind him. Following his lead, I lay in the grass next to him, contemplating the clear skies above us. "What a beautiful night, " I say simply.

Azazel look directly at me and says, "Yes, it is." From the heat to his voice, I know he isn't talking about the sky. Ignoring him, I simply settle on his shoulder and sigh contentedly. The world may be going to shit, but at least we have each other right now.

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