Chapter 62: Advice in the Dark

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Thank You to @tashu0123 for your support of A Song of Silence! I couldn't do this without each and every one of my readers!

Azazel has positioned himself above me so that I have nowhere to look but him as he slowly tortures me. Instead of hammering into me, Azazel thrusts into me slowly, inch by glorious inch until he is fully sheathed and then he quickly thrusts out. It's fucking torture. I feel every ridge, vein, and bit of skin that connects us. It's personal in a way that sex had never been for me before. I groan as he thrusts himself in again and I bite my lip to stop myself from whimpering. "Look at me," Azazel growls at me. I hadn't realized my eyes had closed, as they snap open and meet his liquid-silver ones. Emotion brims within them, emotion I don't dare want to see. Emotion I hadn't felt for someone in a very long fucking time.

I dig my heels into his perfect ass, trying to get him to move faster. He only smiles and moves even slower than before. How that is possible, I haven't the faintest idea, but he somehow manages it. "Azazel," I groan. I meet his eyes and he leans down and kisses me. His thrusts become slightly harsher at that, but then they slow once more when I bite his lip hard enough to make it bleed. A warning. He wants my submission. Well too fucking bad, he can't have it. I refuse to meet his eyes as he continues to torture me ever so slowly. When his efforts seem to be for naught, Azazel starts to use his mouth to send a message. His nips and bites start at my neck, but then the slowly progress to my breasts. I can barely conceal my groans as he slowly, but surely tortures me to death with pleasure.

Suddenly he stops his attention to my breasts and hovers his canines over the pulse on my neck. I've never allowed anyone to do such a thing. One bite and I am dead. For Azazel though, it seems so right just to trust him this once. Sensing my trust, Azazel ups the pace of his thrusts as he slowly, but surely brings me to my peak. I place my canines over the mark I had made the night before. Azazel seems to be waiting for me to make the next move. He is leaving it all up to me. If I bite him, then it is my permission for him to bite me. If not, then he will accept my choice. A bite shared between two fae is symbolic in that it means you trust each other above all else. A bite on one of the fae is just the heat of the moment, but two? Two is purposeful in the fact that you are committed until the bites fade.

The pleasure wracking my body is probably what I will later attribute to such a choice, but right now I just don't give a shit. I bite down as my canines sink into the marks I made a few days prior. Azazel follows suit not a second layer. I gasp as Azazel keeps his teeth in me as his thrusts increase in force. The pace remains, but he powers into me like a man possessed. My nails gouge marks in his muscled back as I come closer and closer to my peak. Neither of us let our bites up as pleasure barrels through both of us.

Neither of us let go. Not until the aftershocks fade and our breathing evens, at least. Rolling himself off of me, Azazel lays next to me on the soft comforter. I fucking hate you, you know.

Azazel only smiles at my words and responds, "No you don't. You wouldn't have let me bite you nor fuck the hell out of you if that was true." I try to hide my smile at the truth of his words, but his knowing smirk tells me all I need to know. We go for a beat in comfortable silence before Azazel speaks again, "Well what caused your defiance this time?"

"Pardon?" I ask genuinely confused.

"I always do something to spark your ire and defiance. What was it this time around?" He asks. What had it been that had triggered my washing away his scent in defiance. Thinking on it, it hadn't been anything that triggered it. I had done so, just because I knew it would anger him and trigger sexual punishments and angry sex.

"Maybe because it is nice to defy you when you are used to fae jumping to complete your every order." I respond lightly.

A smile curls his perfect face as he rolls his eyes, "Not everybody jumps at my order."

"They have jumped to do your bidding since you were a young boy," I respond. "We all head stories of the great dark Prince throwing a fit when his nanny siding know how to play baseball."

Azazel smiles  at the memory, "Any other stories of the dark Prince you'd like to share?"

I shrug, "When a servant dropped her serving tray at breakfast, did you take her into your service when she was dismissed by her noble masters?"

Azazel nods and adds, "Pamela did her job well. It wasn't her fault that her noble masters were cruel."

"Is it true that when you saw your friend pushed at school, you taught her bully a lesson by beating him up?" I ask.

Azazel nods again, "I got a weeks suspension for that and my father was furious."

"So you've been a boy fond of justice since you were very young?"

"My father taught me well. It was one of the few qualities he managed to instill in me before I reached the age where parties and women were all that mattered." Azazel becomes slightly sad at the reminder of his father. A man who I had killed a great many years ago. Shame colors my neck and cheeks. Azazel's father was such a beloved king and I had taken him from his loving son and doting wife.

Azazel stays silent for a few moments more. I am not used to such silence. Azazel usually fills the emptiness with flirting or jokes, but the mention of his father seems to have sobered him. "He was a good king Azazel and I have no doubt that you will be a better one if you only give yourself the chance."

Azazel regards me quizzically, "Wgat do you mean give myself the chance?"

"You distance yourself from those around you, even from the people in your inner circle. Almost as if you believe your fathers closeness to people around him caused his death. I have done the same for years Azazel and it wasn't until I came her and met the inner court that I realized that it is no life to distance yourself from those that you love." I pause to catch my breath and Azazel goes to speak, but I put my hand over his mouth, "Moreover, you feel guilty over the death of your father even though his death was not your doing. Let that guilt go Azazel, or learn to live with it. I have long learned that alone, guilt is too great a burden to bear." My chest heaves in rhythmic breaths as I wait for Azazel to say something. Anything. Instead he stays silent and ponders my words.

Finally looking as if he is done pondering my words, he responds lightly, "You know, you're wiser than I gave you credit for."

I slap him lightly on the chest as I roll my eyes at his attempt to lighten the mood. "Jackass."

He Azazel only laughs and leans down until our faces are practically touching, "Thank you, for your advice. I'll do what I can for now, but letting go of guilt takes time."

I nod and Azazel and I lay there in silence for a few moments more. Instead of stiff and sad like it was before, the silence is warm and comfortable. Like Azazel and I are perfectly comfortable in each other's company. We sit there for what feels like hours before I sense a change in the air. That gchange is only accentuated by Azazel's hands staring to roam. Everywhere. I groan in false complaint. "Azazel, I'm sore." He only chuckles and starts to lick, nip, and pleasure my most sensitive places. His hand goes and cups my heated core once more. I struggle to cover my moan a that.

"Let me hear you, firefly," Azazel whispers in my ear as he eases one finger into me. Shit that feels good. A whimpered moan escapes me at that. "Good girl," he whispers as he adds another finger. I start to squirm under Azazel's talented fingers. Shit, I'm not going to last long if this continues. Soaking in my desperate moans, Azazel's starts to work his fingers in and out of me in a quick rhythm. Shit he knows what he is doing.

"Azazel," I pant-moan at him as his fingers continue to work me closer to coming.

"Come for me, firefly," he whispers as I reach my peak. Unable to resist his gravelly voice, i come hard as I stare into Azazel's silver eyes all the while. When the aftershocks fade, Azazel brings his soaked fingers to his mouth and locks them clean. Okay, that's the hottest thing I have ever seen. Azazel smiles at my satiated form and tucks my head to the pillows next to us. "Sleep firefly," he orders and my exhausted body is only too happy to comply.

A Song of Silenceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें