Chapter 75: A Cavern in the Dark

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Thank You to @_Aquarii_ for following me and supporting A Song of Silence! I couldn't do this without you!

The cave stretched out in front of me, it's splendor stunning me stupid. The cave of wonders was an apt name for the beauty that lay in front of me. Azazel seemed amused by my sudden silence as he approached the water and dipped a few fingers in. The movement caused ripples to appear across the otherwise smooth surface of the lake. "It's... it's beautiful," I manage to stutter out. "How did you come across this place?"

Azazel continues to swish his hand in the water as he answers me, "This entire mountain range is special to my family. No fae is allowed on it or near it without our consent. It has been that way since it's discovery by my great, great, great, grandfather."

"Your family has managed to keep this place a secret for such a long time?" I ask, quietly amazed.

Azazel nods, "This place is only revealed to an heir once they are about to be crowned high king. You are the first outside the royal family that knows of this place."

"Your mother never knew about it?"

He shakes his head, "Not until their marriage. Even before she was brought here she was sworn to secrecy."

"Why would your family be so keen to keep this place a secret from the outside world?"

"Because of its magic. My father never explained it well, but from what I understood, the inherent magic here fuels me he gifts of the fae all over the realm. Without its protection, magic would fade and die."

"So we would become magicless?" I ask quietly, a slight undercurrent of fear slipping into my voice.

He shakes his head, "Not exactly, magic would become chaotic and polluted if this place were disrupted with harmful magic. Luckily, neither of us intend it any harm, so magic will not be affected by our presence here."

Silence descends on the both of us as we stand by the rainbow waters. Deciding if rather mess with Azazel than stand this silence any longer, I ask, "So, does that mean I can take a bath?"

Azazel's gaze snaps to mine as he ponders my question. His pupils widen in lust as he thinks over what would happen if he said yes. "I doubt the pool would be harmed if you decided to wash off." He finally says. Smirking at the guttural tone of his voice, I smile as I strip down to my undergarments and wait by the pools edge. Azazel follows me with a heated gaze, especially the branded part of me, as I pause by the waters edge. I make a turn around motion with my finger and Azazel says heatedly, "Why cover yourself when I have seen you naked and writhing in pleasure under me." His words send a bolt of anticipation to my core, but I shake my head and motion for him to turn around again. He does as I ask and finally puts his back to me. I strip off the last of my underclothes and throw them in the pile with the rest of my dirty travel wear.

The water is cool on my bare skin as I slowly sink into its rainbow depths. Once fully submerged I swim to the center of the cools waters and lay my head back to where the tops of my breasts are almost showing. Remembering that I am not alone, I look back to see Azazel standing up on the back looking back at me with admiration. "I knew you would love it here," he says wistfully.

"Are you going to join me or not?" I tease him, "You smell fucking awful and I'm not getting anywhere near you until you smell less dreadful."

Azazel smiles and executes a quick bow, "As the lady wishes," He says as he begins to unbutton his dark doublet. With every button undone, more of Azazel's sculpted chest revealed. Damn, it's like he is made from tanned marble. Azazel notices the heat in my gaze and begins to seductively take off the rest of his doublet. When his hands go for his belt, I know he is expecting me to look away. His smile becomes wider when I don't. His trousers fall to the rocks below him as the true extent of his desire towards me is revealed. I don't explicitly look down, but... he is truly a sight to behold. Deciding to tease Azazel a bit more, I give an impartial shrug of my shoulder and dive into the waters behind me. From the way the water rippled, I knew Azazel had followed.

The clear waters don't sting my eyes as normal water would. No wildlife or aquatic plants can be seen in the waters below me. Only stones. A hand grabs at my leg. I kick out and manage to dislodge it. Knowing Azazel wants to play this little game of ours, I am happy to oblige him. Putting on a burst of speed, I dive towards the darkest part of the rock cave. Azazel follows me but his body is too heavily muscled to go as deep as I. I can sense the distance growing between us as I spot a small gap in the floor of the rocks below. Small enough where I will fit, but not Azazel. A few bubbles escape my lips as I smile. Half of my body gets stuck in the hole and I can practically feel Azazel's approach. Shoving my hips and legs through the small opening, I feel as Azazels hand grasps at nothing through the hole in the wall. Looking up, I see a large air pocket above me and swim towards it. There are black spots at the corners of my vision when I reach the air above.

Larger and more plentiful crystals greet me. They sparkle and glisten against the reflection of the waters below. Grasping the side of the rocks, I am too amazed by the beauty above me, that I don't notice what approaches from below. Or more appropriately, who. Azazel's strong arms wrap firmly around my waist, trapping me against his muscled torso and the hard length of him that pokes into my lower back. "How did you fit through there?"

I can feel his smug smile as he says, "I used my shadows to move my body from one cavern to the other." His voice is sarcastic as his words practically scream 'duh' at me.

I turn and glare at him, "That's cheating."

"Is not."

"Is so."

"What was I supposed to do? Tear the rocks apart until I could fit through?" He asks sarcastically. To be honest, the thought of his strong arms tearing apart some rocks does wonders to my lady parts.

I don't say that, though from Azazel's heated gaze, I know he has an idea of the direction my thoughts went. I respond, "Why don't you move yourself back to the other cavern and see how that you works out for you."

He only smiles and holds me tighter, "And let you out of my arms? Not a chance firefly." I only smile at the possessiveness in his tone. Still, I try to wriggle out of his grip and that only makes him hold tighter to me. His hard length against my lower back doesn't go unnoticed either. "I suggest you stop wriggling firefly if you don't want this to go in the direction we both know it will."

"And what direction is that exactly?" I ask, a sultry tone to my voice.

Azazel gives me a squeeze and says, "The direction that ends with me fucking you against these cavern walls, of course." His words make me shiver and my nipples peak from arousal and the slight chill to the water. The he changes of my body don't escape Azazels notice as he smiles at my body's reaction. "From the looks of things, that is exactly what you want right now." He says, a gravely tone to his voice. He releases his arms slightly so that I can rotate around. My bare breasts press to his muscled chest and I place a wet hand on his chest as well.

"Maybe so." I simply reply. Azazel lowers his head until our foreheads are touching.

"You call the shots, understand?" He asks carefully. I nod and his mouth descends and meets mine.

A Song of SilenceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon