Chapter 22: Eliminations in the Dark

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The next few days pass without much change. I shadow Karasi as she traverses the sharp slopes of everyday court life and give her the herb brew when she becomes too drained. I have to admit, after shadowing Karasi after a while, I can help but admire how she traverses the steel trapped words and predatory smiles of the court. They pay me little attention, too focused on trying to get to one of the members of the High Kings inner court. My dresses arrive, properly adjusted and modified, from Xyla and I do my best to dress appropriately for my new position.

There has been no sign of Brynn since our fight. Other than the occasional sighting of her well-endowed figure out of the corner of my eye, I don't see her. Both of us are too stubborn for our own good. Over our time spent together Brynn had molded me into becoming her soft, fragile, little friend that needed her for everything. I had little idea how she had accomplished such a feat, but it had taken my spending time with Karasi, Xyla, and others at court to realize just how much of an impact she had on me. I made myself a promise that I wouldn't go back and grovel to her, but also that I wouldn't be fooled by her false promises and petty smiles.

The next competition was fast approaching and with that came even more responsibilities for both Karasi and I. We were loaded with tasks by the inner court to better scheme against the court of silver teeth. The inner court still did not trust me, so Karasi and I were stuck with the menial tasks that procured nothing more than boredom from the both of us. How to earn the trust of the High Kings inner court, I had little idea, but I was tired of these menial tasks and at this point would do anything to earn the courts trust to do something other than these tasks.

I had seen little of the High King other than the meals the inner court ate together. He spoke little during said meals and gazed at me when he thought I didn't notice. The first meal after my official introduction to the court, he gazed at me in frustration and anger. They were probably from me secretly lacing some of his food with laxatives of my own as revenge for the stunt he had pulled the night before. Now though, as we ate our breakfast, he gazed at me out of the corner of his eye, in a way that many looked at puzzles. With a certain amount of determination and suspicion because one was determined to figure said puzzle out. I could not deny that these looks and the petty games the King and I played did not elicit a sort of excitement and danger from me. It had been quite some time since I had found a worthy opponent. Though, whether the High King would live up to being a worthy opponent, is still up for debate for I trust him just as much as he trusts me. That is, very, very little.

Whether we trusted each other or not was besides the point of my joining the inner circle, albeit temporarily. The High King needed me for something. What for, I had yet to uncover, but I had no intention of being used by anyone, let alone the fucking High King. For now, I was content to shadow and watch over Karasi until my time was up. Then, I wouldn't lol don't have to see the insufferably handsome face of the High King and deal with the pettiness and snake smiles of the court of silver teeth.

Karasi and I had been busy, all day preparing for the elimination that was said to happen later today. The competitors were frantically sucking up to the outer courts denizens in a frantic attempt to try to stay. It was obvious to those who had watched the first performances who would stay. Half of the competitiors are said to be eliminated so court lords and ladies are readily gossiping on who will stay and who will go. Karasi and Brynn were guaranteed to stay. Karasi because of the prophecy she delivered and Brynn because of her standing ovation. Lady Ezimira and Lady Calliope were debatable for they had equally riveting performances and there realms had about the Sam influence in the Capital. Lady Jelissa and Lady Ines would very obviously be eliminated for their performances were poorer than the rest and they were both seen as weak by the nobility. Narrisara would stay for the High family didn't want to risk pissing off their main fighting force and Lady Isidore would stay for obvious reasons. She was a part of the inner circle, so she would be allowed to stay for as long as possible. Lady Elinn and Lady Katrina would leave for they were copycats of the better competitors and Lady Oriana would leave with them.

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