Chapter 70: Suspicion in the Dark

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Thank You to @alwayzzpotterhead !!! I very much appreciate your support of a song of Silence!

I awoke the next morning in my own bed. I didn't remember leaving the grotto that night. I must have fell asleep on Azazel's shoulder and he had carried me back and put me to bed. I go to throw the sheets off me, but pause at the sight of the undergarments I now wear. They are my sheerest and most scandalous bra and thong. They show off Azazel's brand perfectly. He must have changed me into the scandalous garments that I now wear. Classic Azazel. Shaking my head in amusement, I throw off the sheets and go to get dressed for breakfast.

Throwing on a quick outfit and minimal makeup, i rush out to meet Karasi before breakfast and the High Querns morning tea. She is in the library as always, still clutching the same book I had recommended to her, but now she had obviously read more of the book. She look up at my approach, "Do you think that if I mixed apercorn and ryuxin I'd be able to make someone sleep and bloat up at the same time?"

Having read the book and it's sequels many times, I respond, No. the mixtures would clump together and make something that is completely harmless, but turns your hands green for weeks. She frowns in frustration and disappointment before I add, If you add zelan and apercorn though, you can make someone hallucinate a sex dream though.

She perks up at the thought before asking slyly, "How do you know that?"

I smile sheepishly, Trial and error.

It takes a moment for Karasi to formulate her question, "So, have you, you know, with that mixture?"

I shrug my shoulders, trying to tease Karasi as I sneakily sign, Once or twice.

"And did you come?" She asks, he questions filled with curiosity and intrigue.

I am startled by her question at first, but then manage to compose myself, Hard. That's all I reply before walking off into the bookshelves beyond. Knowing Karasi, she is going to dive right back into that book to find even more intriguing results for different plant and powder mixtures. I don't blame her, I did the same when I fist read it. That's exactly why I recommended the book in the first place. She needed to take her mind off the stress of the prophecy and introducing her mind to the wonders of alchemy was an easy fix. She might even use that mixture I mentioned. She hadn't had any sexy strangers in her bed recently, so maybe that particular mixture would give her the fix she needed.

Selecting a few books for a fun read, I grab them and place them into a hidden nook before dragging Karasi off to breakfast. She looked rather sad when I ripped the powder alchemy book from her hand, but that didn't stop her from assaulting me with a barrage of alchemy related questions, "What does hazel root do when it's ground into dust and mixed with olive oil?"

It paralyzed you if you touch it or breathe it in.

"Is there any way to reverse it?"

Yes, surprisingly it was tree sap and spit.


"Yeah, you know, saliva."

Karasi tips her head to the side thoughtfully before saying, "Huh, i wouldn't have thought that to be a remedy."

Most wouldn't have, but I did a lot of experimentation when I was young. Alright, enough questions. If you want answers, then you'll have to experiment and find out for yourself. Having finally arrived at the High Queen's private chambers, Karasi and I lapsed into comfortable silence as our words would be investigated should be be overheard. The doors swung open as always and scrutinizing eyes watched us as we entered. Ignoring them as we always did, we went over to our usual table and waited for the High Queen to start speaking. No doubt she would call only Karasi over and give the noble ladies cause to ridicule me. I was past caring though. If she wanted to be petty, then she would be petty and there was little to be done about it.

"Welcome all, Lady Karasi and Aerilynn will attend me today. That will be all." The High Queen says quickly before she dismisses the ladies flocking around her. She asked for me to join her? Truly? The High Queens choice stuns me momentarily before I reluctantly rose from my seat and join her at her table with Karasi at my side. I watch the High Queen as she converses with Karasi. Neither acknowledge or seem to notice my silence, both merely content to talk between the both of them. I don't mind. I've got bigger things to worry about rather than scrutinizing the choices of High Queen Sylvia. The rest of the noble ladies wouldn't mind watching the High Queens every move, but I've got a Grand Assassin and this tea party wastes a fuck ton of time every morning. Nonetheless, I pay attention to the conversations that surround us and tune out the High Queens and Karasi's conversation.

"Aerilynn," a voice asks me, prompting me out of my stupid of listening to the table next to us. Looking up, I see that it was the High Queen that addressed me.

Sorry? I sign, prompting the High Queen to repeat her question.

"I was asking Karasi if either of you had gotten any leads from the outrageous time the both of you have spent in the library." She says. There is an emotion in her eyes I can't read. Not admiration. Could it be, respect?

We have few leads right now. All we are able to do in the library is readers have until new information on the prophecy or the Grand Assassins whereabouts become known. I respond, suspicion evident on my face.

Karasi doesn't seem to notice the emotion and tacks on, "That and Aerilynn has been introducing me to the mist fabulous of reading material. She just recommended me a book on powder alchemy and it's wonderfully exciting!"

This piqued the High Queens interest, "Oh? What book?"

Karasi rushes forward in answering before I can stop her, "It's like an introduction to alchemy. I forgot the title, but the information within is all very exciting!"

The High Queen raises her eyebrows in question before turning her gaze on me, "Is this true?"

I shrug, She needed distraction and that book was my first idea. Besides, I can make sure she doesn't hurt herself while performing experiments if that's what you're worried about.

Karasi goes on, "Oh yes, I would love for you to teach me Aerilynn!"

I turn my gaze back to Karasi, smiling at her enthusiasm, But here isn't much you can't learn easily, so this should be a peace of cake if you can do it after our training sessions.

This makes her shoulders slump as she gives me a pleading look, "I was hoping you might let our alchemy sessions replace the training sessions," she says, fluttering her eyelashes all innocent like.

I give her a teasing smile as I sign, When you can pin me in our wresting matches, then I'll replace the sessions every other day with alchemy. Karasi was hopeless when it came to wrestling or any attempt to use her self defense training against another. It would take longer than a few days for her to train hard enough yo pin me. By the time my week and a half was out, I would be gone and Karasi would be hopefully prepared for the times ahead.

Karasi had a determined look on her face as we parted ways after the party had ended. She no doubt was going to train to try to beat me. She wouldn't succeed anytime soon. I had centuries of training on her. With this in mind, I went back to the library to continue my research, hopefully with less distraction and interruptions than before. Hiding in my regular book, I noticed the gaze of the new servant that had started to shadow me. She tried to seem inconspicuous, but she was easy to spot when I knew what to look for. Taking a break from the many books and maps arrayed in front of me, I looked straight at the shadowing servant. She shakily met my gaze when she felt my stare. I mouthed the word, "Out," before she scurried ran from the room. Damn. I was hoping for a servant with more spine. Back to my research then.

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