Chapter 123: A Finale in the Dark

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Thank you to @chantalprinsloo for supporting A Song of Silence!!! Your support means the world to me!!!

Also, thank you to everyone for the 39k reads! Woooooooooooooooooooo!! That is awesome!!! Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you to everyone!!!

Azazel shadow ported us to the moonlight glade where we had often met over the past few months. It was nostalgic to be sure, but the frozen over lake was what caught my attention. The grass and the trees surrounding the lake were clear and cool, while the frozen lake reflects the night sky above us. Azazel whispers into my ear, "I got a WaterFroster to freeze the lake for us. I hope you like it."

"It's wonderful Azazel, but how are we going to skate?" I reply.

"That's easy," he says pointing to a small bundle by the side of the frozen lake. We approach it and once it is unwrapped, I find ice skates inside. Two pairs, one for each of us. I slip off my boots and slide on the finely crafted ice skates. Azazel does the same. My first step on the ice and I slip and fall on my ass. Azazel, who has yet to set foot on the ice laughs and laughs and laughs at my expense, until he steps on the ice himself and falls on his face. Despite my precarious position on the ice, I double over in laughter at his shocked expression.

Once all the laughter is done with, Azazel staggers to his feet on the ice. I slowly follow, barely able to keep my balance. My ankles and knees are shaky as I slip on the treacherous ice once more. Azazel and I collide as we slip and slide on the ice. We both go down this time. "We're not very good at this , are we?" I ask after our fourth time falling over.

"No we are not," Azazel says next to me, his back laying on the ice next to me as the cold seeps into our jackets. "We can stop if you'd like. I know this was kind of a lame surprise."

I sit up and shake my head at him, "No, it was a wonderful surprise. And we're learning this until we're good at it." I lever myself up onto my knees and stagger to my feet on the ice. My ankles are wobbly, unused to standing on ice. I stagger to my feet and drag Azazel up with me. I link my arm with his and start to slowly stagger across the ice. We stagger in circles until we slowly start skating. We're not good skaters by any means, but the repetition helps and soon enough we glide around the ice. The late hour and the ice skating get to me soon enough and I sit down on the side of the frozen lake, exhausted. Azazel notices my tiredness and joins me soon enough.

We sit side by side by the lake as our breaths frost in the cool night air. "That was fun," I say after a while.

"Good, I'm glad you had fun." Azazel replies.

"It was honestly more fun to see you land on your ass more times than I did."

"I don't know about that," Azazel says slowly.

"Oh yes you did. It's a shame you mastered it so quickly. It would have been the best wedding present to see you land on your ass ten more times" I tease him.

"Only ten huh? And I thought mating me was present enough?" He replies.

"Oh don't get pissy just because I'm better at I've skating that you."

"Better?" Azazel counters, "If I recall correctly, you landed on your face and your ass just as much as I did."

"How would you know? Too busy staring at my ass to focus on your own skating?"

"And what if I was?" He asks, his voice taking on a huskier note than before.

The new depth to his voice stole my breath away. It took me a second to respond, "Well I suppose it wouldn't be unwarranted. I do have an amazing ass after all." My comment seems to take Azazel off guard because a shocked laugh bursts out of him. It is then followed by full on, doubled-over, laughter. I can't help but join in as laughter wracks my body as well. My back hits the cool grass as I hold my stomach from the pain. Tears leak from my eyes and looking over at Azazel's laughing face only makes me chuckle more.

When the laughter finally fades, we lay next to each other in the cool grass, our breaths mingling as our faces are turned toward each other. A smile plays on my lips as I stare into the eyes of my husband, my mate, my best friend, my everything. He is the male I have chosen to spend the rest of my life with and maybe one day bear children for. He is the male that make my heart beat and is the air that my lungs need to breathe. I had long given up on finding someone like that years ago. I had thought loving someone like that was a fairytale, a myth, or a foolish, foolish hope. Now that I know him and now that I love him, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I grab his hand and enter-twine it with my own. His calluses hand is rough, yet it hold my hand firmly, as if he had no intention of ever letting go. That was perfectly fine by me. "Azazel?" I ask quietly.

"Yes, my love?" He answers.

"Do you love me?"

My question seems to shock him, "Aerilynn, of course I love you! You are the light of my life. I thought you knew that."

His answer makes me smile as does his reaction. The worried panic that flickers across his handsome face almost makes me laugh. Almost. "Relax, I was just checking."

"Aerilynn, you just scared the shit out of me," Azazel says admonishingly.

"A lady has to keep her husband on his toes. You knew that when you married me, after all."

He chuckles, "Indeed I did my beautiful wife. Indeed I did." Azazel and I lapse into silence once more. Words between us don't need to be said, they never do. Our choices, our words. There is no explanation needed and I guess that is the truth about love between two people.  True love is total acceptance, no matter what.

It doesn't need to make sense or be explained. It is how it is and any explanation will not comprehend what the truth is for how we feel about each other. Even knowing that when tomorrow comes and he and I will be expected to take up our mantles of High King and Queen. Even with the expectations and duties that come with that, I know that he will be right beside me. As my best friend and confidante. Maybe one day as the father of my children. Whatever the future may bring, whether it be tomorrow or ten years from now, I am content with knowing that this male will be at my side through it all. "Azazel," I say quietly, looking up at him.

"Yes, my love?" He replies evenly.

"I love you."

"I love you more, firefly."

"I love you most."



Firstly, thank you to all of my readers and followers for helping me get this far!!!! Ahhh!! This is such an amazing achievement and I couldn't have made it this far without everyone!!!!! I have enjoyed writing every second of Aerilynn and Azazel's story!!! From their fights to their sex, it has been a journey!!! Thank you to everyone who has stuck through the writing of this novel from the beginning!!! It takes a special kind of reader to keep reading for such a long period of time and I thank everyone who was able to do so!! Also, thank you to every reader, no matter how many chapters in that you joined reading this book!!!

Secondly, I intend to go back over the book to look for spelling errors, inconsistencies, etc... to make the book a better read for everyone. I think I'll publish the chapters in chunks to try to be more efficient!!!

Lastly, once I am done going over A Song of Silence, I will be publishing the first chapter of my new novel A Night of Secrets and blood as soon as I can!!! It's supposed to be a dark mafia romance, but we'll see how it goes!!!

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