Chapter 18: A Vision in the Dark

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The applause still continued even after Brynn had left. At least, enough applause that it took the High Queens interference to make it quiet once more. Karasi looked to the High Kings box and as if being told from a silent cue, left my side and walked onstage. The court was as mystified as I on what she would be performing. Karasi started speaking.

"Court of teeth and it's many guests, I address you as the seer of the High King today to conclude tonight's events! On behalf of the High King and his family, I thank you for coming here tonight to see Altreya's wide variety of entertainment!" The court clapped hesitantly, still confused for Karasi's presence on the stage. "With that I..." Karasi pauses, as if lost in thought. Karasi stumbles on stage and closes her eyes for less than a moment. When she opens them once more, they are a deep green and emerald smoke envelops her and lifts her a few feet off the ground. Her hair whips around her face as power invades the space around her. A ghostly, otherworldly voice escapes from her lips.

When a King of dark and enemies of ice come to blows
The land will shake and tremble with the force of their anger
It will take a killer, a seer, the love of two enemies, and an unexpected alliance
To save Altreya from its inevitable demise

Karasi collapsed immediately after her seer power released control of her body. I rushed to go backstage, caring little of who saw. Servants rushed out of the back of the stage and gingerly carried Karasi off stage. The lights dropped and the High King and his entourage left. The court was left in a panic. I slammed the door open as I ran towards the help carrying Karasi. I ran to them and motioned for her to be given to me. "But, miss.." they protested. I gave them a look that demanded no hesitance. They gave her over with little argument after that.

I walked with Karasi slung over both my arms, her dress dragging on the floor. Her barely conscious eyes fluttered open and closed as she tried to wake from her magic fueled slumber. I exited the backstage through a side door and walked briskly through the halls. They had not yet been filled with the courts denizens. Minutes more I traveled with nervous or calculating glances from the servants I passed. A few tried to intervene, but they saw the look on my face and turned their gazes away. Karasi's eyes fluttered open and she tried to speak. "W-where are yy-ou taking me?" Her voice was fragile and exhaustion lined her words. I couldn't sign to her so I merely mouthed "my rooms, so you can rest." "N-no I want to go to the gardens!" She still spoke softly even as she tried to get out of my grip. I couldn't have her harming herself so I conceded and mouthed, "okay gardens" at her.

We arrived there minutes later and Karasi visibly relaxed when she smacked the earth and sun. I placed her down on a lounge chair and fluffed the pillows, trying to make her as comfortable as possible. I looked up at a shuffle along the footpath. Melanie, the servant that had helped me when Brynn had spilled wine on the carpet, walked up with a pen and paper in hand. "Miss Xyla sent me, miss. She said to do whatever you needed." Ah, even having not seen each other in 50 years and Xyla knew when I was in need of a little help. She held the pen and notepad out to me. "I don't know sign language, miss, could you write what you need down?" I nodded in agreement and began to write.

Go as fast as you can and get the medicine bag stashed under my bed. Don't snoop or I'll know and you'll regret it. On your way out tell a trustworthy servant to go and get a kettle with steaming hot water and a teacup.

I finish writing and give the paper back to Melanie. She runs to do quickly as I bid her to do. Karasi starts writhing in pain and her joints creak and she moves. I do my best to soothe her before my medical bag and the hot water gets here. A unique thing about a seers power is that they have no ability other than what the omniscient beings above deem her to see or prophesize. The prophecies are much, much rarer, but when a prophecy is spoken or too many visions are seen without adequate rest, it can take a toll on the seer. This prophecy specifically seems to have drained her more than usual and caused her intense pain because the magic inside Karasi used to phrophesize has been stuck in her body without release for quite a while.

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