𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞

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Oksana's been doted on constantly, always being checked to make sure she's okay, and always having her dressings changed by either Polly or Esme. The brothers have begun to make time out of their day to stop by the house and greet her, breakfast is never an issue anymore since they've been bringing that as well. Alfie, well it's just particularly fucking weird, is now nice to her.

Like nice.

Perhaps that's how she's going to be treated now, almost as sweetly as he treats his wife because Oksana saved her life, and his eternal gratitude and sunshine and fucking rainbows are her payment for that.

It should be perfect. It should be wonderful. She should be so happy that the family that she chose has now chosen her.

But it's not perfect because of one Thomas Michael Shelby.

It's not that Tommy's been cruel or distant- he still kisses her, loves her, sleeps with her- but he's been guarded. Everything he does from his morning tea to his evenings with Charlie has been laced with an uncomfortable and silent tension. She's tried to bring up the business, and has tried to play off her injuries even though they still sting, but nothing. Weak smiles are directed her way, inauthentic taunts were thrown back to hers, and hesitant hands touch her at night.

Oksana slumps in her chair beside Grissy, who is currently breastfeeding Mikhail in bed, with Alfie sitting beside her as he reads some tacky novel Oksana could not believe he owns.

Grissy's eyes lock on Oksana just as Mikhail latches on, and she frowns. "What is it?"

"It's what it's fucking been for the last fucking week, good girl," Alfie mumbles, not taking his eyes off his book as he turns the page. "Your fucking brother. Why the fuck you think she's been spending all this goddamn time with us?"

It's true. Oksana has spent this past week interacting with everybody but Tommy. Ada's joined her on more than one occasion to drink one too many vodkas, Finn has shown her the deck he's building, and Grissy and Alfie have entertained her boredom. With Tommy's uncomfortable and secretive nature, Oksana's been trying to give him some space. Space that kills her with every breath she breathes without him.

Tommy's gone and done it, the thing he's always wanted. He's put together the story only fit to be a tragedy. He's made her dependent on him, crave him. He's made her world lack color when he's gone and her tastebuds wither away without him.

It's entirely inconvenient.

Grissy's frown deepens as he looks between Alfie and Oksana. "I know Tommy's been..."

"A wanker? A pussy? A-"

"You're not helping, Alfie," Grissy hisses halfheartedly, cooing when Mikhail squirms against her chest. She turns her attention back to Oksana and sighs. "Tommy's always been like this. Shite like this makes him rethink everything, but he's not rethinking you."

"I know that," Oksana says, resolute in the fact that Tommy's just as in love with her as she's in love with him. "That's why I am giving him space."

"Well, space is nice but..."

"But what?"

"Fuck, I guess I won't ever know if they found the fucking treasure," Alfie barks, slamming his book down on the nightstand as he angles himself at her, a furious glint in his eyes. "You've given him too much fucking space, Oksana. Tommy's a fucking twat, he can be a whiny little bitch, and fuckers like that need a slap in the face."

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