𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬

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Russia is always cold- snowy blankets that hit you like pillows, frozen waters that you can walk across- but tonight it's especially frigid in the country.

Oksana's bare feet sting with every step she takes on the chilly marble floor. Her sleeping gown is not suited for walking around, so Mama wraps her in her arms as they walk down the corridor of one of their grand mansions, one that they normally don't frequent.

But Papa's done something bad. Papa's done something and that's why they're here in a home they rarely use instead of St. Petersburg at Alexander Palace. Mama has been telling Oksana and her siblings not to worry, but it's difficult to remain calm and steadfast at her age- just twelve- when every little change is enough to inspire a deep fear of childhood dread.

Being woken up in the middle of the night by soldiers, that's something else that doesn't lend itself to calmness.

"Mama," Oksana whispers, tugging on her mother's robe. "Mama, what is happening?"

Mama's steps falter when she sees where the men are leading them, the basement of their home, but she shakes her head and continues. "Hush, Oksana. It will be okay. Just listen to the men."

These men, they're soldiers, she knows it. They're dressed head to toe in military wear, but the little patch on the chest makes her nervous. She's seen it before while snooping through Papa's office with her sisters. Even at her age, Oksana knows that the patch and the symbol should set her on edge.


"Where is Papa?" she questions, whimpering when one of the men throws her and Mama into the room, impatient with how long it's taken them.

"Oksana!" her sister-Tatiana- urges, opening her arms up from the spot where she and the rest of the sisters lean against the basement wall. "Come here, sestrichka."

Mama lets her go when she sees their nanny, Victoria, and she pushes Oksana to her sisters. Oksana, as the youngest, is immediately engulfed in their arms. Anya, being only two years older than her, seems just as nervous as she is. Galina, filled with the fire of a sixteen-year-old, looks annoyed. Tatiana, on the other hand, is terrified.

Tatiana, as the eldest child, is the one that's meant to keep her siblings in line. If Mama and Papa aren't around, Tatiana is in charge. Oksana clings to her, burying her face in her chest as she begins to cry.

"No, no, sestrichka," Tatiana coos, rubbing the back of her head. "Do not be scared. Papa and Pietro are on their way. Papa said they would be moving us to a different location, so that is what is happening."

"But Tati, if that is true..." Oksana whispers, glancing over to see that there are no longer two soldiers, but six. "...why are we in the basement?"

Tatiana goes to speak but is interrupted when Papa and Pietro are thrown into the room. Immediately, Mama is at his side, and Victoria is helping Pietro to his feet.

"Gentlemen, what is the issue?" Papa asks after Mama's helped him up. Despite his age and the circumstances, Oksana smiles because Papa is still strong and powerful, his voice carrying through the small room with authority. "We are to be moved to Siberia when the sun rises."

"You are not going anywhere," one of the soldiers says and, in unison, all the other men reach for their weapons. He glances down at Pietro. "Neither is he."

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