𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐱 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝

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It seems that Oksana has taken for granted how much a nice bath and a fresh change of clothing can do her good. Even something as simple as brushing her teeth every morning and fixing her hair has lightened her spirits. Things aren't perfect, not yet, but they're better than they were before.

Oksana nurses a cup of tea, tightening her robe as she approaches Charlie at the dining room table. She smiles as she looks at whatever it is he's coloring, blowing him a quick kiss when he looks up and waves at her. She lets out a deep and content sigh as she runs her finger through his hair.

How has she gotten this lucky?

Throughout all of this, Charlie has been nothing but wonderful. He's never let his demeanor drop, he's always trying to help her with everyday tasks, and he's been bringing her things he believes will brighten her day.

She glances up from his drawing, cocking her head in confusion when she sees Tommy exit his office, dressed for business as he fixes his tie in the entryway mirror. She gives Charlie one last smile and walks toward Tommy, taking note of the way he stiffens as she approaches.

"And where are you going?" she questions casually as she leans against the doorway and watches.

"Out." He takes a drag of the cigarette hanging precariously on his lip and continues fixing his tie. "Business."

She rolls her eyes as she slaps his hands away and works on his tie herself. "Please, say no more. You have spilled too much already."

There's a moment of hesitation as he watches her fingers diligently go about her work. He pinches the cigarette in between his fingers and levels her will a powerful stare. "Andreyev. He called to set up a meeting and I agreed."

This perks her interest. The aforementioned name sends a shudder through her body, and she has no doubt that Tommy's trying to get a read on her reaction. She can't hide the way she flinches, her fingers momentarily stopping, but this isn't a surprise.

There's a bit of fear that Tommy was intending on attending this meeting without her, but it's not because she doesn't trust him. It's because Andreyev is sneaky and slimy, and she's afraid of the things he might want with Tommy.

"To discuss what?" she asks quietly, hoping that her voice comes out disinterested but even she can hear the slight tremble.

"I have my suspicions. Tatiana will be there as well. It's looking like it's going to be a productive gathering."

"Ah, well, if Tatiana is going to be there then it should be." She scoffs and straightens his tie with a quick yank, momentarily knocking the wind out of him. "Were you going to tell me?"

He coughs and takes a step back from her, his analytical gaze calculating and scrutinizing. "Are you ready to hear about it?"

Truthfully, she might not be. Although it's been a week since she saw Andreyev and a week since her attack, it's still raw. All it would take is one brutal poke and blood would be drawn, but this is something she needs to do. She can't keep hiding here and she can't just pretend that the world is going to simply stop turning for her.

"Yes, I think I am," she says, letting out a deep breath and feeling more secure when he rests his hands on her hips. "I think I will go with you."

"You don't have to," he rushes out, squeezing her hips, and she wonders if he realizes he's pulled her flush against him. "I can handle this on my own."

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