...𝐢𝐭'𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫

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All the Shelby men and Alfie are crammed into the car, having no idea what they'll encounter, but ready for anything. The rest of the men John called might not get here in time if they even figure out where to go, but the five of them in the car have enough weapons to take down a small militia.

Everyone in the car is tense. Something has been taken from every single one of them, and they're all furiously terrified that they won't make it in time.

Tommy tries to think straight. He isn't a man that panics, and that's the man that Grissy and Oksana need right now. They don't need an Arthur, who won't stop picking his nails as he mumbles a prayer under his breath. They don't need a John, who keeps tapping his foot and cursing every two minutes. They don't need a Finn, who can barely stop the tears he's trying to hide as his fingers wobble on the gun.

They don't need an Alfie, who looks like he's about to self-combust.

They need a Tommy. They need someone cold, emotionless, and ready to see everything from a perfectly rational angle. They need someone who can keep their head straight and fucking focus.

But he can't fucking focus. He needs something to keep his head straight, he needs someone to fucking talk because he can't take this silence another second.

Through the rearview mirror, he sees Alfie staring at him, eyes narrowed to kill. He had said his few share of words back at the house, but there's something still on Alfie's tongue, and it looks like it's killing him not to share.

Out with it then.

"Go ahead," he mumbles, sucking in a sharp breath as his eyes scan the road. "Say it, Alfie."

Finn tenses beside Alfie, and Arthur gives him the side eye from his seat next to him. John lowers his own gaze, and it seems that no one is too keen on seeing Alfie explode.

Alfie shakes his head as he too looks out the window. "I think I've fucking said all that needs to be said."

"I don't believe that for a second. Go ahead. Let it out," Tommy presses, encouraging him to take this free shot. "Everything you've wanted to say these last few years, but you didn't because you didn't want to upset Grissy."

"You're poison."

"Okay," Tommy says, nodding his head. "I can take that."

"You don't really care about your fucking family. Everything you fucking do is about your selfish fucking desire to not be such a fucking useless twat."

That one stings about, but Tommy nods. "Good point."

"I don't know what my good girl sees in you. I fucking begged her to let you the fuck go, but she fucking can't. She never fucking will because she's bound to you by some fucking gypo-curse."

"She's my sister," Tommy snaps, defensive because that's fucking low. "I love her. I'd never hurt her."

"But you always fucking do," Alfie argues back, clenching his hands into fists. "Everyone that doesn't do what you want gets fucking hurt. Look who's fucking sitting here with us."

Finn's eyes widen when Alfie points at him. "Alfie, please leave me out of this."

"No, I fucking won't. You won't stand up to your fucking brother, so I'll do it for you." Alfie shakes his head despite Finn's plea. "This lad right here, yeah, this fucking lad is making a life for himself. He's got a fucking job, fucking friends, a normal fucking life that he wants, but look where he is! On a mission to fix your fucking mistake!"

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