𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐞

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𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫


He's had his fair share of moments in his life when time expanded into infinity and the hours blended with eternity. He's had days where the clock couldn't tick fast enough. Most of it has to do with business. Most of it has to do with his lack of patience, despite the fact that he's been preaching that very subject with Oksana.

The last time he felt this way had been when Polly got shot. Every minute that passed reminded him that his aunt, his rock, could be only one second away from dying. When the day finally came that she woke up, life sped up again.

Maybe it's unbearable because he's never been in this position. He's reading in his armchair across from his bed, watching as Charlie tries to talk to Oksana, but getting nowhere.

After the events that happened a week prior, he had made sure to take care of the last surviving man that did this to her. She hadn't even blinked at seeing his blood-covered suit. He took her home, got her bathed and dressed, left to pick up Charlie, and she had been sleeping in bed by the time he returned.

And that's where she's stayed.

She's barely eating, barely speaking, only getting up when she needs to use the bathroom. She's withering away in front of him, and he has no fucking idea what to do. There are no physical wounds to heal, there's no gunshot that needs to be tended to, and there's nothing tangible he can put his hands on.

He has dealt with so much and has pushed through so much, but this is out of his area of comfort.

He wishes he could talk to Grissy about this- she always knows what to say- but Alfie's condition isn't any better. It's ironic. His wounds are physical, but there's nothing anyone can do either. Ada says Grissy's practically turned herself into a nurse. She refuses to let anyone else help him take a piss or bathe. She refuses to let anyone see him like this. She's eight months gone and on her feet all day.

Grissy and Oksana. There are too many problems. Emotional problems. Problems he's not used to dealing with that he can't fucking fix.

He can't cure Alfie's cancer just like he can't snap Oksana out of this.

"And Uncle Alfie and Aunt Grissy are taking me, Karl, and the twins to London tonight! We're going to the theater! I even get to wear a tuxedo!"

No response. No response about how cute he'll look all dressed up or how exciting his night will be.

Nothing. Not even a smile.

Tommy coughs as Charlie waits for her response, a response he knows he won't get. "Speaking of which, you need to start getting ready. Let's go, son. She needs her rest."

Charlie looks reluctant to get out of bed, but nods. He turns to Oksana and kisses her forehead before jumping to his feet. "Okay. I love you, mummy. Feel better."

To this, Oksana simply turns over on her other side. Tommy ushers Charlie out of the room quickly, right behind him, but a frail hand wraps around his wrist and stops him.

Oksana's been doing this a lot lately too. Every time he leaves, even when he thinks she's asleep, she panics. It's like she's afraid to be out of his sight. Her big grey eyes widen and her lower lip wobbles. It's the biggest and only reaction he gets out of her these days.

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