𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞

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𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫


Despite the unsuccessful and- quite frankly annoying- meeting with Churchill yesterday, Oksana is riding on a high. The sun seems extra sunny, the air seems uncharacteristically clear, and her smile is too wide to hide. Although the meeting had been slightly traumatizing, she's proud of the way she managed to move past it with Tommy's help. It had been a brief glimpse into the madness that still lurks in her mind, but it feels good to know that she can take all that pain and still find her way through it.

Well, and it doesn't hurt that she got herself shagged within an inch of her own life in a dirty alley in front of the backs of half a dozen men, although that definitely accounts for the soreness between her legs.

Tommy had reassured her multiple times throughout the night in between dinner, tucking Charlie in, and spending time with his bed buried between her legs that she needs to be patient. A few orgasms later, she agreed to try.

That's how she finds herself with Polly, Ada, and all the Shelby kids in the middle of busy London, trying and actually succeeding to keep her mind off it all.

"It's a pity Gris isn't here," Polly frowns as she adjusts Adelina on her hip, the other hand busy trying to wrangle Eli away from a passing dog. "Your mummy would have loved this."

Oksana frowns in agreement. "Why did she not come along?"

Ada, who was in the middle of fixing Karl's collar, stiffens. "Um, something or another."

"Ada Shelby? Holding her tongue?" Polly snorts, setting the twins down as they enter a busy toy shop. "My, the papers should hear about this. What is it?"

"Shut it, Pol," Ada snaps. "It's personal."

Both Polly and Oksana draw their heads back at her venomous tone. The day has been pleasant so far, and Ada had been in a wonderful mood all morning, only playfully insulting Oksana twice. Now, however, she seems tense and angered at the persistent questioning.

Out of a hunch, Oksana asks, "It has to do with Alfie, does it not?"

To her question, Ada bites her lip. Something with Alfie Solomons would be the only reason Grissy wouldn't join them. Through their time together, she knows that Grissy jumps at any and every opportunity for a girl's day out.

It's true what Polly said, Ada can't hold back anything, so why else would she be so insistent on keeping her mouth shut. She glances over at the kids, the twins in particular, who are too wrapped up looking through toys to hear anything. It's nice that Ada's protecting Alfie's honor, even if she makes every attempt to appear to hate him. She cares for him a lot more than she'll ever tell anybody, and she's living in his house to prove it.

"He had a fit last night," Ada finally admits, still looking warily at the twins, ready to shut up any second. "Grissy ran into my room in a bloody panic at three in the morning, crying her little heart out. Wouldn't leave until I came to their bedroom."

Oksana places a hand over her heart and gasps. "Is he okay? What happened?"

"We called the doctor over. I mean, he's still dying, but he's not dying today. He did some procedure and then gave him something to sleep it off." Ada pauses and that's when Oksana finally notices the dark bags under her eyes. "Grissy was up all night which meant I was up all night. She doesn't want to leave him when he's still out of it."

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