"So... we are in the endgame now," Hawks said.

"Seems like it," Izuku absentmindedly replied.

'To think we are almost done claiming all of the underworlds which means we have partial control of all of the land. We just need to take them all publicly.' Izuku thought as he sat there going over everything but then his door suddenly burst open as he reached for a gun hidden under his desk.

"Who! Calm down here, John Wick. No need to immediately grab your gun is it?" Kaminari said as he eyes Izuku worriedly.

In response, Izuku just shrugged and said, "someone already tried to take my head. So I am not taking any more chances with my life."

"Now if only you could develop this attitude while fighting villains, how good that would be," Ochako said as she narrowed her eyes at him.

Izuku just averted his eyes and said, "yeah, it would be amazing."

Izuku then relaxed when he saw it was the bug user that belonged to the spy network who looked frantic. "Is something the matter?" Izuku asked calmly but inside he was a bit anxious about the government having launched any desperate attempts on getting land back.

"And here I thought, you were this unhinged leader who feared nothing and has the ability to bulldoze over all your problems," Shinso said.

"I don't know where you got that from but as far as I can tell, I am just a human who is afraid to lose all of this now that I have come this far because of one silly mistake," Izuku explained.

Izuku knew the government has been reaching out to foreign nations to get reinforcements to support their side in the war and some nations have agreed to send supplies but so far no one has agreed to send any physical men to fight in the war which Izuku was glad at since it would be a clear indication that a nation was hostile to the Verdant group and would need to be dealt with likely in the future.

"Of course, as expected from those honorless foreigners," Nighteye said, "those bastards are trying to not get Verdant's bad side instead of uniting against this big evil."

"My Emperor, I looked into UA since my bugs reported that they had a meeting scheduled and I listened in which resulted in hearing a conversation that the Verdant Guards should hear with you as it will have a major impact on some plans." said the bug user and Izuku nodded his head as he called for the main bodies of his Verdant Guards to be present for the meeting in 10 minutes.

"My Emperor huh?" Himiko asked with an amused smile, "it seems there are more ladies around Izuku who want to get his 'favor'."

"Please stop!" Izuku said with a red face, "hearing her say, 'My Emperor,' was already embarrassing enough."

Izuku then headed over to the meeting rooms and prepared himself for any major changes in his plans based on what UA has done. Izuku truly hoped the school hasn't decided to violate the neutrality conditions that he set out but if they did he would be forced to make an example of them.

Many teachers and students audibly gulped at that. Because they knew that Verdant's brain really worked in creative ways when it comes to punishing people who betrayed his trust and they really didn't want to find out what will he do to the entire establishment of future heroes if they did that.

All of the Verdant guards arrived in the room and Stain asked why they had an unplanned meeting. Izuku just looked at the bug user as she had gotten the other quirk user that projects her memories.

"I really wish these two were in our class right now," Kaminari said, "that way we could have sent these two to watch movies, and they would have projected them for all of us that too free of cost."

MHA reacts to Verdant Emperor! (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now