Chapter 45.

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Alexander steps up beside me when we get home from the funeral, they didn't attend because they didn't think it would be appropriate.

"I'm going to try and fix things over time.  If ou're okay with it, I would like to gain yours and Nikolai's trust back. Especially so I can see my nieces and nephews." He turns his head and body to lean against the counter.

I nod looking him in the eye for longer than ten seconds, for the first time since I was 14. "I would like that."

He nods, "Pops and I think it's best that we resume in Italy while you and your family stay here in safety. We brought disaster, and we're deeply sorry for that bambina."

I guess that means five down.

I give him a soft smile, "we will visit whenever we can and you can visit whenever you would like."

Jackson looks over at us from the Kitchen table. He seems deep in thought. When Alexander leaves I tread over to him and sit across from him. Without saying a work I place my chin on top of my combined hands.

He takes a sip of his water and then leans back slowly swallowing the liquid. "What's going on in that mind of yours?" I ask.

"I don't think I want to go back to Italy." He clears his throat and leans forward to place his elbows on the table. "I was wondering if I could stay with you guys as I go to university."

"Have you talked to your Father and Nonno yet?" I ask. "Of course you can but I don't want any disputes, tell them how you feel first. Just like I should have."

He nods in agreement.


We got everyone gathered around, Lexi and Ollie sit on the ground playing, not caring what is going on around them.

My Father wraps his arm around Sophie dragging her into his side. She lays her head back on his shoulder and closes her swollen eyes. My poor baby.

I step up beside Jackson quickly giving his shoulder a little squeeze of encouragement. I sit down beside Nikolai and grab his hand nervously.

"I've done a lot of thinking these last couple of weeks, mainly about attending university." He nervously rocks on the heels of his feet. 

His Mom smiles excitedly, "that's great honey."

His Father on the other hand stays quiet, he looks like he's contemplating things, and then he begins. "I was supposed to retire soon, how will you have time being the Don and still go to university?"

"That's the thing." He sighs, "I don't think I want to be the Don anymore."

My Father and Alexander tense, sitting up a little more straight.  Sophie grabs my Fathers hand, a warning or a comfort, I don't know.

Alexander looks at me most likely in a dilemma.  He can get angry and force Jackson to be something he isn't, or he can come to terms with it.  I think the first step towards my newfound trust, would be to finally do everything the right way. 

He looks away and nods "okay."

"Okay?" Jackson stumbles with his words, "what does this mean for the, you know."  I look at the young kids.  Everyone has been careful with the "mafia" word around them.

My Father nods towards James, "James will be taking over commandment for now and then it will be passed onto Grayson."

James smirks and ruffles Graysons hair. Grayson blushes pushing his face into his fathers shoulder.

"Jade says it's okay if I stay with them until I can get on my feet." He smiles at Nikolai and I.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you hoping to be?" Nikolai asks.

"An FBI agent of course." Jackson smirks.

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