Chapter 28.

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Day 8, Evening. 


Everyone ended up getting a hot cocoa and met in the living room where we got situated under a blanket.  I turned on the fire and got a movie started. 

Which happened to be National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.  It's a good one, definitely one of our families favourites. 

I turn and kiss Jade on the forehead as she lays on my shoulder slowly falling asleep.  An hour later when the movie is done she's completely out, as well as some of the kids.  James picks up Ezra and leads Grayson to bed with him.

Alex picks up Sophie who fell asleep on him and Colten picks up Lexi who fell asleep many hours ago in her cushioned play pen. 

Lastly I'm about to pick up Jade but Alexander grabs my arm whispering to me, "do you mind if I carry her up?" He asks. 

I look down at my sleeping wife and singularly nod allowing him.  I know he deeply cares about Jade, he used to show it in a terrible way, don't get me wrong.  But I know he wants to make it up to her.

He scoops her up looking at her with admiration and climbs the stairs with me.

He sets her down on the bed kissing her forehead and pulls the sheets up onto her.  As he's about to step out he stops and picks up a picture off of a shelf. 

"This is your wedding day?" He asks looking at a picture of Jade and I smiling at each other, tears glistening in our eyes seeing each other for the first time on that day.

I nod sidling up to him, "yeah, happiest day of my life." I whisper. 

He nods,"I wish I had been there but then again if I was I wouldn't have let it happen." He laughs actually getting a little smile out of me.

"Goodnight." I whisper as he puts it down.  He nods in acknowledgment and leaves, closing the door behind him. 

So much circles behind his eyes when he thinks about Jade.  I fear that his and Jades relationship is going to be the hardest to heal. 


Day 11, morning

I got a call from the school that Colten had been sent to the principles office. Completely distraught and worried I called Jade and told her to meet me there. Of course everyone is fucking coming with me because they were at the station with me.

When I enter Jade is already talking to the assistant at the desk, in deep conversation. "What happened?" I ask when I get close enough.

She turns to me tears in her eyes, "He supposedly got into a fight with two other boys." She shakes her head leaning against me. I put my arms around her but look at the assistant.

"When will we go in?" I ask.

"Soon, in the meanwhile have a seat." She says kindly.

I sigh bringing Jade over to the seats, everyone follows basically filling up the whole office. This isn't like Colten, he's the one I would least expect to get into a fight. 

Jade sits up looking at her Father, "Papa I would like you and Alexander to come in with us please."

Alessio nods coming forward to sit next to her, "of course, we'll be there for you guys." He hugs her to his side kissing her forehead. "I can't wait to end those boys miserable lives." He stops short noticing Colten.

Colten comes out of the office, back tense and jaw clenched. He has bruises along his neck, a black eye and a broken lip.

I stand taking his face into my hands but he tries to grab them and push them away. "Look at me." I command, this is a serious issue and he's going to try and push it to the side defensively. I'm going to try my best and not let that barrier go up. 

He looks up and he tries not to cry as he takes a deep breath. "I didn't mean to give them a reaction, I know you tell us to never give them the satisfaction but I couldn't take it anymore, I just-" he breaks down falling into me and I take him into my arms looking over my shoulder, Jade steps up next to me to hug Colten, while I look at her Father and Brother.

The principle steps out, a younger one then I would have expected. 

The five of us step inside the office, the two other boys are sitting with a parent and parents. We look like a big group but I think Jade just wants her Father to be here because he can be quite, let's say, persuasive.

The principle sits down sighing, looking tired and run down. He smiles at us all very softly, laced in what seems like an apology.

"I'm sorry we are here today in these predicaments, but I would like to solve the issues going on between these three gentlemen. As you all know we don't accept violence at this school, no exceptions." He leans back tapping his fingers against the desk.

"Let's begin with what happened, both sides of the story and then we'll head into a more parental guide of things." He suggests.

He looks at the two other boys, the bigger kid speaks first. He shrugs carelessly, "we were just hanging out, messing around and even throwing jokes back and forth when he reacted badly to one. He started hitting us so we did the only thing we could and worked together to stop him. He wasn't taking what he was fishing out, sounds like a hypocrite to me."

The kid avoids all eye contact and I can tell right there and then part of it is a lie, or even all of it.

The principle looks at the other boy, "he's completely right," he suggest looking at his friend and no one else, I can guess who the leader is between the two. "we were joking and he was as well, he said hurtful stuff and then he was the one who reacted badly."

I shake my head looking out the window to get my thoughts under control. The principle hums and then looks at Colten, "is that what happened Colten?" He asks.

Colten looks down at his clasped hands deep in thought. Colten is one of those kids who wants to tell the truth but doesn't like when people get in trouble. Even if it means hurting himself in the process.

He's done it for his siblings many times.

He sighs and slowly shakes his from side to side giving the principles question a no answer.

I grab his hand giving him a squeeze, he's going to need all of the support he can get right now and we're here for him.

"What's been happening kid?" Alexander asks leaning back against the wall and the room turns tense.

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