Chapter 27.

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Day 8 afternoon.


My feet are in pain,  tremendous pain as I stood all day yesterday and have been standing all afternoon.  Alex and I are in the same baking class, he wanted at least one class with me and we agreed baking would be the most fun.  I ended up falling in love with it.

Yesterday we had served all of the food we bought at a bunch of shelters.  Nonno was very helpful and a lot more cheerful then I remember. The uncles were curious yet grumpy, 

He leans back with the piping bag and squeezes some icing out onto his finger.  He licks it off humming lightly. 

"Alex can you actually pipe the icing onto the cupcakes." I laugh decorating some of the other ones we made.

"I'm taste testing." He licks more off his finger. I cringe, that so sugary.  I'm more of a savoury person I guess, which makes me wonder why I like baking.

When the bell rings we head out to the front and meet with everyone else.  It's weird Jackson and Tucker are going to high school with us.  Especially since they are over 18 but Mom wants them to experience things they never had the chance to.

When we get home the sun gleams off the snow making it sparkle.  It's melting which means it's sticky, I smirk and bend down making a snowball.  As Alex goes up the front stairs I make the throw and hit the back of his head. 

He slowly turns, danger in his eyes as he looks at me.  I started something and now it must be finished. 

He picks up a handful shaping it as he steps forward.  When he throws it I lean out of the way and it hits Jackson who stands behind me.    The snow covers his neck and it quickly melts down his chest making him jump and squeal like a girl.

Colten, Alex and I start laughing as his neck twists and he cringes up.  Uncle Hudson comes out of the house confusion written all over his face.  "Guys get inside, stop this shit, you'll get sick."

Before he can say much more I pick up another one striking him right in the shoulder.  Of course he's only wearing a T-shirt so I got him good.

A smirk breaks out on his face and he chargers forward making me trip back and run.  He chases me away from the group, but they all follow.  When we stop I'm breathing heavily trying to sike him out.

I move slightly to the right and then to the left seeing if he follows.  But he doesn't fall for it, not moving a muscle.  "Sophie." He warns taking a step forward.  Before I can make a run for it snow is dumped down my back and Luca grins widely right behind me.

I squeal falling onto my knees trying to shake it out laughing as I freak out.  It's so damn cold.  Uncle Hudson attacks me tickling my sides and all of my senses get fucked up.

I notice Alexander and James getting the other kids, James is chasing Grayson and Ollie.  Dad is getting Kit and Alexander is with Alex.  Hell to the yeah. 



"Come on old man." I prod, "that all you got." I mock my uncle Alexander as he breaths heavily trying to catch up.  For mafia men they aren't as fast as I thought they would be. 

"I've got much more." He chargers forwards and I make a run for it leaping back but he grabs my shins taking me down on a snow bank.  He picks up snow opening my jacket and lists my shirt threatening me.

"Do you surrender?" He asks.  I lean forward scooping up snow into my palm where he doesn't see.

"Never." I say menacingly, he puts it down my shirt and I take my hand full putting it down his back.  "Don't give what you can't take old man," I laugh as he rolls off me in shock.  I shake my snow out and he laughs standing. 

All us are out of breath, cold and rosy cheeked with smiles.  We decide to go inside and change and perhaps even have some hot cocoa.

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