Chapter 12

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The past weeks have been hell.  Absolute torture.  Today is Christmas Eve and not one decoration has been put up.  I'm always in a bad mood because I'm going to miss my kids on Christmas, Lexis first Christmas might I add.

Not only am I grouchy because I miss me kids and Husband but my breasts have been leaking milk like crazy.  Since Lexi stopped breast feeding it's slowly decreasing but I've been changing at least four time a day.

It's very hard to keep that from everyone in the house as well. 

I sigh entering the library and pick up a romance book I left behind when I was a kid.  I get slowly encased with the book when Hudson comes in, shamelessly locking the door behind him.

I close my book and cross my arms just in case my boobs decide to leak at the worst time. 

Hudson strides across the room and sits in the chair across from me leaning back with a deep sigh.  "We're all leaving for a business meeting, Pa wanted me to warn you of the consequences if you are to try and run."

"Am I by myself then?" I ask unfiltered, I will most likely try even if someone is here.

"The kids will stay here, we're bringing our spouses to introduce to the other ones in the meeting. We have to try and keep them all entertained." He says uninterested.

I hum and look back down at my book, clearly representing that I'm not interested. I'm really not, I could care less.

He sighs and stands up to leave but turns around once he gets to the door, "maybe if you try to be happy here, you could be. We love you Jade, we just want to keep you safe."

I don't respond, nor do I look up so he leaves. When I hear the door click shut tears well up in my eyes and I finally let myself cry for the first time since I've been here.


When lunch time rolls around I go down to the kitchen in the dead silence. But when I arrive the boys are fighting over who makes lunch, they stop immediately when I come into the room.

They stare for a moment so I begin the conversation, "are you guys hungry?" I ask.

Even though I'm not a big fan of their fathers, I care for them. They are my family and they haven't done anything.

Ezra being the youngest at 6 responds first, "can you make us something auntie Jade? Jackson and Tucker burn everything."

I laugh rubbing my hand in his hair and then I head over to the pantry. "Where's the cook?" I ask looking at Jackson, God he looks like his Pa.

"Nonno fired her this morning when she dropped on of Nonnas old Crystal glasses. The new one is coming tomorrow but today we had to fend for ourselves." I hum as a response and pull out a bunch of ingredients to make my Moms fettuccine Alfredo recipe.

"Alright," I clap my hands together, "who would like you help me?" All of them raise their hands, obviously they were bored before.

"Let's get to work," I smile picking up Ezra and placing him on a chair to work beside me. Grayson stands next to me, just reaching my shoulder at the age of 12, god he's going to be tall.

Then we get to work.


After we made lunch, had a food fight, ate and then cleaned up we headed over to the living room prepared to watch a movie.  But as I searched for a Christmas movie, it was either blocked or there were none in the DVD drawer.

I sigh and look around the room, at the emptiness and coolness.  It even smells dull when it's supposed to smell like ginger bread. 

Jackson lifts up the remote and clicks through Netflix, "let's watch..." but no one says anything.  They probably don't want to watch any of the shows they have watched 100 times.

I shake my head, "this is stupid." All the boys heads turn to me as I stand up and go upstairs to begin my search.  They all follow wondering what I am doing, as I approach my Fathers room Jackson's arm shoots out and he stops me.

"Nonno doesn't allow anyone in here, I'm pretty sure he has cameras.  Don't risk it." He pleads. 

I sigh grabbing his hand, "it will be okay, I don't care." I laugh and then open my Fathers bedroom door.  It's perfectly polished and big,  dark colours filling the room. 

I head straight to the closet, knowing exactly what I'm looking for.  When Tucker comes back for the ladder I asked him to get he hands if over and I place it just underneath the square in the roof. 

I push hard and it shifts moving onto the ceiling floor above me, technically the attacks floor.

"I'll pass you guys boxes and you bring them downstairs, okay?" I ask and begin climbing.

They nod watching me in awe as I climb.


"No, my left sweetheart," I explain directing Jackson and Tucker as they set up the last ribbon on the mantle. It just needs to be straight, that's all I'm asking.

When they step back it looks perfect, and I smile and look towards Ezra and Grayson who are playing with Alexander and James old train set, it's red and has villagers at the front.

Towards the back there are stacked Christmas trees and idea comes to mind. There are two more boxes and I know for sure that they are full of moms ornaments.

I look around the room, it now sparkles with lights and reds and greens. All of the stockings hang above the huge fireplace and the flower pots are filled with poinsettias. Santa's and reindeers decorate the house and finally it feels like Christmas in here.

There's only a few things missing, "alright boys, next thing up is the Christmas tree."

Jackson laughs but then stops immediately when he realizes I'm not joking, "oh, and how are we going to do that?"

"We cut it down ourself of course." I smile and head towards the bodyguards posted outside. I spot Rift and call for him, "I'm still pissed at you but grab a chainsaw, you have work to do."

He looks at me curiously but complies.

After hours of sweating and heavy lifting, after pricking our fingers many times and after an hour of decorating the tree its almost done.  It looks exactly like how I remember. 

I crouch down beside Ezra handing him the star, "are you ready buddy?" I ask and he nods.  Jackson lifts him up and Ezra steadily puts on the star.

I look at Tucker once Jackson steps back and give him a nod indicating to plug it in.  When it does the light flicker on and the star shines brightly on the top.

The boys all smile, excitedly laughing.  "How much time do we have before your parents get back?" I ask.

Tucker looks at his phone, "a couple hours I'd say."

Mhm, sure they went to a business meeting.

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