Chapter 21.

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My Dad texted my Mom that we needed her home, and she should be here in 20 minutes or so.

In the mean time my Dad got Kit some of Alex's cloths to change into. I've never been more embarrassed in my life.

While Kit showers and changes I sit on my bed, head in my hands as the events replay in my mind over and over again.

I feel the bed dip beside me and when I peak at who it is my Dad gives me a soft smile. I try to smile back but I just break down crying. He immediately hugs me, closing his arms around me so I lay on his chest.

"I'm sorry." I say trying to wipe away all of the tears that spilled over.

"What are you sorry about?" He softly says holding underneath my chin so I look at him, I hate eye contact.

"That you had to see all this and deal with it and then now you know about-" I rant. But he stops me mid sentence by hugging me once again. "Are you disappointed?" I ask and it comes out muffled from his shirt.

I feel him shake his head, "I will never be disappointed in you, angry? Maybe but that's just because I have a bad temper." He and I laugh, "everyone makes mistakes, you mother and I aren't great examples on the sex department but at least you and Kit are safe right?" He asks pushing the hair stuck to my face away.

I nod grabbing a Kleenex from my bedside table and wipe underneath my eyes and nose. "always are, he respects me when it comes to safety, he knows how important it is to me."

"Good." My Dad nods ruffling my hair, "as long as he keeps my baby safe and treats her like a princess he and I are on good terms."

I smile and hug him, "what are you going to do with Uncle Alexander?" I ask. "I'm really hurt he acted like that, especially to Kit, if he wanted to take it out on someone it should have been me."

"No, no it shouldn't have." Dad says firmly, "we don't hit in this family unless it's absolutely necessary, remember, if you are felling uncomfortable or stuck?" He pauses taking a deep breath, "but your uncle is in the wrong here, he didn't respect your boundaries, like knocking and then he assumed before he questioned."

I roll my eyes, he has always been a knit pick about these things. Like not assuming for example, he says it leads to disaster and miscommunication. I can't help but agree, I saw a clear example today.

Kit comes out of the bathroom dressed and showered. He scratches the back of his neck, "Mr. B I am so sorry."

My Dad shakes his head, "don't worry about it, we've had this talk with you guys and Jade and I trust you." He sighs and stands up, "speaking of which your Mother will be home soon and she won't be happy, I think it's best if you guys stay up here.  Maybe get some sleep and heal up Kit."

Kit nods and before my Dad leaves he gives Kit a hug holding him in a comforting embrace for a few seconds.  My Dad whispers something that I can't hear, tears spring to Kits eyes and he smiles and nods. 

We say goodbye to my Dad for now.  He closes my door on his way out and when he's gone Kit comes and lays down on my bed opening his arms for me to join.

I happily move onto his chest sighing sleepily.  A nap doesn't sound too bad right now. 



I storm into the house looking for Nikolai, because of the text I got I wasn't too happy.  Who the fuck does he think he is beating up Kit? Who I see as and who happens to be one of my kids.

I see him sitting on the couch, Nikolai stands by leaning against the arm rest. When he notices me he puckers his lips leaning in for a kiss. I give him one, which happens to calm me down a bit.

I look towards Alexander who has his eyes set on me, I walk in front of him and sit down on the coffee table. "What the hell were you thinking?" I ask dragging a hand down my face.

"I was thinking about your daughter!" He shouts, "what's she doing alone in her room with some horny asshole?"

I sigh, "did you knock?" I ask.

"What does that have to do with any of this?" He asks, raising his voice again.

"Calm down." I gesture a calming hand, "I am wondering if you knocked because Sophie would have told you not to come in."

"I'm the adult, I can walk in if I want to, she shouldn't be doing that behind closed doors." He fumes.

It's ridiculous he thinks he's right, "Alexander." I say seriously, "My kids are allowed to tell you to fuck off if they want to, they are allowed to tell me to fuck off out of their room because that is their space, and whatever she does behind closed doors isn't your business."

"So what? You're just going to let her get pregnant like you did at a young age?" He leans forward getting into my face. 

I tense and before I can do much Nikolai grabs Alexander's collar of his shirt and pulls him back against the couch.  "Watch your mouth," he warns close to his cheek, "don't talk to my wife like that, I'm already angry you treated my daughter as such, don't get yourself into more trouble."

He begrudgingly relaxes against the couch, "okay." I clasp my hands together, "this is how things are going to go, you are going to say sorry to Kit, you are going to do many nice things for Kit, you are going to say sorry to Sophie and you are going to start respecting her privacy, like knocking if you want to enter any of my kids rooms."

He obviously contemplates it, which doesn't make me too happy, but he nods either way. 
But that nod alone sends me into a frenzy of memories.

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