Chapter 29.

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Day 11, morning

I grab onto Colten's other hand glancing at Alexander who stands beside Nikolai.  He's already looking down at me, and he smiles softly as a suggestion everything is going to be okay.

I've never been in the principles office, I feel like I'm more nervous then Colten.  I lean closer and kiss his forehead, something has been going on for a while now, I should have noticed it sooner. 

He inhales a shaky breath beginning, "they have been tormenting me since the first grade."

My heart sinks and before I can stop myself my eyes start to water.  Nikolai is flushed, a deep frown running his face down.

"I have yet to really find out why, but at first it was because I was doing art during recess instead of sports with the other boys, then it was.." he hesitates, "my interest with boys."

I squeeze his hand, he just came out in front of everyone, I only wish he did it under his own conditions.  My Fathers jaw clenches and he looks down at his hands.

The principle takes a moment, perhaps holding whatever thoughts he has back.  "What happened today? This is a safe space for you, everything said will stay in the room and we can make some people leave if you want." He side glances the other parents and their kids.

"No it's okay," he shrugs, "I guess I should finally face them."

The principle nods settling back into a listening state and Colten begins, "I was walking to my class when they decided to say a few things, some slurs if you will but they went a bit too far. They started talking about my older sister and I just snapped."

One of the kids stands, about to interfere but my Father steps forward threateningly.  "He's not finished yet is he?" The kid sits back down, frightened.

"I usually just shrug everything off, I'm not one for physical violence but I've just been holding it in for too long I guess." I swallow the lump in my throat at his words. 

"But anyway." He sighs, "I shouldn't have lashed out, I was just trying to get him to back off and I forgot it was two against one. Which led to this." He gestures to his beat up face.

"Looks like we have a problem on our hands, sir." Nikolai suggest with a daring suggestive tone. 

Alexander is about to go on but I interrupt heading into a more softer approach, "how is this going to be dealt with?"

"Having known Colten for as long as I have and the other boys as well, it's easy to acknowledge that there has been a power problem involved." He looks at the boys, "targeting someone else who is supposed to your equal doesn't seem like something you guys haven't done before, and I have dealt with that as well."

He stands grabbing something from a side table, "the boys have acted out countless of times, harassed other students and teachers.  I believe the best way to go would be to go in another direction, instead of discipline, the boys should find another school that they will attend."

One of the children's Fathers stand up and my Father stays calm, there if we need him.  "You can't be serious, there is no proof."

"This isn't just about this situation, my school seems to be more safe when the boys aren't around.  I'll send the paperwork and agreements, it's in everyone's best interest that the boys no longer attend Rosabelt."

He nods leading them to stand up and exit the office, but as he does so one of the kids comes forward spitting at my kids shoes.  I act before I can stop myself.  

I grab the kids collar switching our bodies so he's the one sitting beside Colten and I'm the one standing.  I lean down closer to his face, "don't disrespect my kid, you think this is bad? Hm? I could make your life so fucking scary, you wouldn't believe it."

My Father softly grabs my shoulder warning me that the principle will be back soon, or saying I need to back off.  Who knows.

I let go of his collar and squat down in front of his terrified face, I adjust his shirt putting it back into its original place.  "Turn to Colten, say sorry and then be on your way," I pause, "please."

He shakily turns making eye contact with Colten, "I'm sorry."

I nod standing up and when he doesn't move Alexander pushes his shoulder, "run along kid, watch your little back." He smirks watching him run out of the room. 

Next I kneel down in front of my kid cupping his face to look up at me.  "I'm so sorry baby." I almost begin to cry but hold strongly. "We love you, all of us love you so much."

"You guys aren't mad I'm.." he tears up. 

"Gay?" My Father asks, "we love you either way, just like we do Hudson, hm?" He hums ruffling Colten's hair. 

"I'm bisexual actually." He smiles trying to swat his Nonno's hand away.

"Okay," I smile, "do you want us to do anything?" He shakes his head right as the principle comes back in.  But with a cookie and water.  He hands it to Colten and then leans back against his desk.

"I just need to ask one thing of you Colten," I would rather we didn't talk about anything right now, especially if he has to do favours, "I would like it if you spoke to a school councillor or even better, a therapist."

Colten looks like he wants to decline right away but I grab his hand looking at Nikolai who already has a knowing look, "sweetie maybe that would be best, to help you out in ways we can't, yeah?"

He sighs but nods, "yeah."

"Alright." The principle smiles, "have a good night, and get sleep.  We'll talk some more tomorrow, this all can be overwhelming and we'll go at your pace."

When we step back out into the front once again our family stands waiting.  Hudson and Luca rush forward each checking on Colten and I. 

I think my puffy and red eyes give some emotions off.  Luca pulls me into a hug,  "how are you doing?"

I nod into his chest patting it once, "fine now, mostly shocked I would say."

He hums, "it will be okay."

I sigh pulling back a bit and wipe underneath my eyes, "yeah, it will."

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