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Suzune was again eager to ask them questions, to ask them why such an hour. She wanted to know what they were up to, but she knew she wasn't going to get an answer. Sora and Shiro had a habit of sharing a lot of information without saying much.

Chabashira-sensei eventually came into the class so the conversation was going to have to break down in any case. Suzune had received a lot of information today, she had understood a lot of things. However, the only information she really valued was not obtained.

She still didn't know what Sora's plan was that would allow everyone to pass their written exams. How was he going to get an entire class to pass by making everyone fail?

And secondly, she still didn't know if he had succeeded in beating his older brother Horikita Manabu. And if he had succeeded... how had he done it?

What had happened in the last two weeks...?




***Two weeks earlier. The day after the confrontation between Sora, Manabu and Suzune.***

Horikita Manabu was on the roof of a building under construction. On the top were Sora and Shiro.

"A sealed envelope. I must acknowledge a certain creativity. However it was quite risky to slip it under the door of the council office, someone else could have read it."

Said Horikita Manabu, showing the envelope in his hand. Sora had slipped it under his door early in the morning.

"I had marked on it that this letter was addressed to you. I think the students fear you enough to keep their hands off it."

Sora replied, a soft smile on his face as per usual.

Manabu walked towards the two. He stared at Sora for a long time, a piercing gaze. A soft wind passed between their hair. There was only them on this roof, and the area was not monitored by any agent or camera. It was the perfect place for hidden conversations.

"Last night...the video I deleted from your phone. It was a distraction, right?"

Manabu asked the question directly, not even trying to find out if Shiro was aware of the situation. He already had his answer.


Sora showed slight surprise, his arrogant smile turned into a curious one.

"As expected of the Council President, you're much brighter than the average person."

Manabu sighed.

"So that's what it was. You had recorded me before and sent the correct video to your sister. Then you shot a second video in front of my eyes to make it look like I got rid of the evidence."

"Bingo. Even though it was dark, the streetlights did show the cruel face of the council president abusing his little sister's abdomen. You let your emotions get the better of you and exposed yourself to a lot of weaknesses."

"If you're going to use this video to blackmail me, I want to let you know that it's a foolish idea."

"Ho? Why is that?"

"If you want to blackmail me, you know as well as I do that you won't be able to use any electronic means to contact me, because that would be enough evidence for me to report you to the administration. You will then have to use me by meeting me physically, but I will refuse to come to all your meetings. If I don't come, your blackmail will be rendered ineffective. You won't be able to share and publish the video either, because from the moment it becomes public, it will be traced back to you, and brought to justice."

Classroom of the Elite : New gameTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang