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- This chapter has been edited for those of you that don't want to read all 4000 words again skip to the bottom I'll have a little note where the edit has been put in. I did this because I didn't like how the story was progressing the plot hole was just too big 😤


Astra traveled on the wind, her wings catching currents and lifting her higher. Magic concealed her, no one inside that building would notice her unless they looked close enough.

But as seconds passed by and Astra felt herself beginning to unravel.

She wouldn't let them die. Even if they were dead, even if she had to dig their bodies from underground, she'd fight anyone that got in the way. Astra landed outside the doors, it was a large Japanese-styled house. Fenced off and Astra wasted no time, she smashed her way through the wooden doors. They cracked and gave beneath her blows.

Confusion and alarm rang throughout those huddling together on the yard. Their eyes were wide as they stared at the batters doors. They however, did not notice Astra as she strode passed. Not a single person turned her way and if they did they'd see nothing.

Astra was silent as she went through the house. People were everywhere, they littered the hall like bugs, but she wasn't interested in that. She followed the scent trail of her hounds and came to an underground passageway. Astra dashed down the halls, remaining light on her feet as she went. Around every corner villains stood huddled together in groups as though they expected an attack at any moment, perhaps they did, perhaps they didn't. She didn't care, once her family was safe Astra was going to exterminate this place like the infestation it was.

That was when the world shook.

Astra felt her stomach go queasy and she fought against it, frustrated at having been bested so soon into the game. When the halls stopped shaking she found herself in a room she wasn't familiar with. In front of her stood three people.

" Looks like we have company."

" Some wannabe hero."

" Nom! Nom!"

Astra didn't even bother to take stock of her opponents. Every single one of them would end up facing the same fate in the end.

She didn't have time for this.

" You heroes want to take our lives away from us-"

Astra put a hand up," Still."

She flicked a hand," I don't care what the heroes have against you. I'm not here for that."

The guy's eyes were wide," Then why!?"

She chuckled, steel in her gaze," You took someone of mine. For that, you will die."

" What!?"

The shortest one somehow managed to slip through her grasp and went hurtling towards her. Astra's focus slipped allowing the others to follow after.

She used her fist and sent a celestial smash right into its smug face. The small animal opened its maw wide and Astra's eyes widened in alarm. It was going to eat her! She changed tactics and opened her palm.

A boom sounded and when the smoke cleared a crystal wall appeared, blocking the attack from reaching its mark. The white caped demon thing was about five feet away from her and held by the blond.

Astra figured them out then and smiled.

She dashed towards and watched again as the demon child thing ran after her. Inside of attacking him she reached her arm out and mouthed the word, Come. And prayed to Mavis that it would work.

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