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Astra launched forward as soon as her vision began to clear and attacked the first villain in sight. He went sprawling, someone behind her jumped, she ducked and sent a kick their way. The loud thud told her she'd hit her mark.

Her eyes glinted coldly as she went after the next villain. That was when she felt it, the suffocating pull of a dark mage. Astra's markings glowed brightly as she felt her claws and canines elongate. Magic was pouring out of her when the mage finally decided to come out of their hiding place.

Not so secret when she knew where the woman was hiding.

A red headed woman, dressed in a black leather suit strode forward, her heels clicking on the floorboards," Wow, wow look what we have here." The lyrical sweet sounding voice fit starkly in contrast to the scene before Astra.

" Tremble-"

Astra choked as the woman's magic closed around her throat. She sputtered and listened as Katsuki began to pull against his restraints, growling and cursing. The woman grinned, her grip tightening," It's about time I shut you up little fairy."

And then fire was licking at her bones and she screamed. She could feel it, the burns, the blisters. She could smell the charred flesh and the blood. She listened as her blood boiled and skin sizzled.

Astra dropped to the ground like a fly as soon as her body hit the floor, the pain vanished. She looked down, her skin appeared unmarried. There were no flames, no burning flesh..


Looking into the women's ruby eyes Astra wondered what she specialised in and figured it out all too late. She warped but the woman was too quick, grabbing her neck again and yelling words she could not comprehend.

And then something cold held her in place.


While Katsuki was bound with metal shackles and restrained to a seat with chains. Astra was bound, her hands tied above her head, her feet shackled to the ground, suspended in the air. Her mouth had been shut with duct tape and a blindfold covered her eyes. She was in a metal cage.

Overkill much.

It really was overkill. The collar around her neck was preventing her from using magic. A simple cage would have been more than enough to keep someone who couldn't use magic in check.

Of course, she had tricks up her sleeves. Her constellations could help her.

She listened closely to the villains as they moved about the space. Situating themselves and then silence fell as the television began to play. New reports about the summer camp and the reporter's disappointment in UA faculty.

Astra wondered what they could have possibly done to ensure an attack didn't happen. These reporters sounded mighty stupid, not very manly at all.

Aziwa's voice rang out then," Katsuki Bakugou and Astra Callisto are led by their strong convictions. They are no villains. It is my fault for not managing their behaviour. I apologise."

Astra wanted to shout at Aziwa to shut up and not apologise, how dare those reporters try to blame the school for this?! It was the villains fault, not the heros. Stupid pesky rats, the lot of them.

She heard Katsuki smile," They get me more than I realised. I'll never join your league of bastards!"

Astra was inclined to agree. Why bring two students here to join? Surely there must be some bigger goal? Perhaps they wanted to sow seeds of doubt in society in regards to the heros.

" Bring her here." It was that woman's voice, sweet an melodic. Such a stark contrast to the hard lines of her face Astra had seen before being blindfolded.

Caged  ( Fairy Tail X BNHA Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now