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" Come on Izuku! Put your back into it!!" Astra shouted from her seat underneath the sun umbrella. She was currently sipping lemonade and cheering Izuku on. All Might had gone and told Izuku that by the time he came back there should be a significant change in the scenery around them.

Currently Izuku was decluttering a sandy beach of its rubbish. Astra felt back and had initially wanted to help but Izuku was adamant that he would do it by himself. But looking at him now she knew he wanted to give up. When he heard he'd be training with All Might this most defiantly isn't what he thought would be happening. In all honesty she didn't know what to expect, but cleaning? Now that was just mean.

Getting up from her seat she plopped a bucket hat on and walked over. Without permission she starting helping," I can do it-"

" I'll just pick up the little bits. I'll leave the bigger shit to you." Izuku still hadn't gotten used to her foul language but nodded nevertheless. And together they started to clean. Astra knew this would cheer him up. Doing it by yourself suits some people, but it wouldn't suit Izuku. He was like a flower she thought.

He needed nourishment and care, but once he bloomed you could leave him be. However Izuku was far from blooming into a hero. She knew he'd be filled with negitive thoughts if she just left him here.

" Why are you helping?"

" En?" Not understanding the question she gave Izuku a strange look.

Blushing he continued," It's just... Well this isn't fun."

She snorted," Tell me about it. It feels like a chore."

Becoming even redder he shouted," That's why! You don't have to do this. I know you find it boring."

Tilting her head she tried her hardest to grasp what he was trying to say. When she thought she had a somewhat tenuous grasp on the situation she started," I'm doing this because you're my friend Izuku. And I kind of live with you. What am I going to do at your home? There's nothing to do there." In all honesty she was waiting until the entrance exams started.

Getting into that hero academy was a step closer to getting home. While she was in the academy no one would question her wondering around the place, investigating. That and she selfishly didn't want to let her first friend here go. Izuku had become somewhat of an anchor in this strange world and without him she didn't know how she'd make it.

Nodding to himself he smiled and turned back to work," Well, thanks."

And together they picked up rubbish and threw them into the black rubbish bags. The sand crunched under her shoes and the tiny sea shells she walked over sunk into the damp sand soundlessly. The waves slowly grew and Astra listened to the hum of the blue sea while working.

The salty air tasted foul on her tongue and twice she coughed. The smell of the moulding dabre and other assortments of lost items combined made for a rather unpleasant smell. Astra whipped sweat that wasn't there away and looked at the progress they'd made.

While little the size they'd managed to move appeased Astra and she nodded happily," Let's take a break Izuku."

Izuku was puffing and out of breath fro, moving the heavier items. Shaking his head he said," No, I want to do more."

Shrugging she nodded," Alright I'll just be other there. Call if you need help!"


All Might showed up about an hour later with a grin on his ever smiling face. He strides for Astra and glanced down at her before crossing his arms and staring out at the water lapping around the shoreline.

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