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When she closed her door behind her Astra was surprised to find her classmates already on the fifth floor where she was located. Had they gone through everyone's rooms that quickly?!

She jogged towards them. Mina grinned at her approach," Quickly! You have to see Sero's room!" Astra went inside and gasped at the room. Hanta's room was indeed quite beautiful. She walked around the bedroom. It was quite exotic with its furnishings and Astra wasn't sure how to describe the place.

" I never pegged you as the kinda guy that'd like this stuff."

Hanta simply grinned," I know, I know, my tastes are the best aren't they." It was a statement not a question and Astra laughed at Hanta's confidence.

Momo rubbed her hands together," Next is Todoroki isn't it?"

Astra looked at Shouto and grinned, she wondered what his room would look like. Sighing he turned the knob to his room," Let's get this over with then."

She heard the girls gasp and raised on her tiptoes to see what the fuss was all about. Shouji noticed and grabbed Astra around the waist with one of his limbs and set her on his shoulder.

" Wow thanks Shouji!!"

He just nodded," You seemed like you could use the help." Astra nodded, she was shorter than most of her classmates, and if it were a competition of heights she'd place smack bam in the middle.

Her eyes widened when she saw Shouto's room. It looked like those rooms in her fantasy manhwa she'd been reading." It looks stunning.''

She noticed he had changed everything. When had he had the time to completely renovate his room and how much did all this cost!?

How rich was this guy?!

" We have these kinds of floor mats at my home. They're much more comfortable than hardwood." He said it so calmly that Astra jumped off Shoji's shoulder and wound her way to the small group surrounding Shouto.

Mineta and Denki looked like they were having an aneurysm trying to come to terms with the fact he'd been able to remodel an entire room.

Astra let out a breath," You're something else Shouto.."

" He's a beast is what he is." Eijiro pointed out.

They moved onto the last guy's room and Astra's mouth started watering at the smell of baking sweets," Oh my god what's cooking?! It smells great!"

Her class gave her strange looks but Sato's eyes widened as he rushed inside and the rest of the class followed and watched as he pulled out a cake tray. Astra was practically watering at the mouth as the sweet aroma wafted past and she sat down at the table.

" Can I have some Sato?"

Sato rubbed his neck," I was planning to make this for my class so dig in." Eyes wide Astra watched as he cut a slice and placed it in front of her. Grinning, she grabbed the slice and shaved it in her mouth. The others were using forks and knives but she just took one big bite and it was gone.

Feeling full the girl fell to the carpeted floor and groaned. Mina laughed," You shouldn't have had so much!"

" No! That was the best thing I've eaten all day!"

Although his room was kinda boring, the cake all but made up for the lack of decorations. Sato rubbed the back of his neck, a blush in his cheeks," Store bought sweets get kinda pricey."

She could relate to that. Hagakure spoke then, her voice ringing out through the room," That's it for the boys! It's time for the ladies rooms now."

Astra was the last person on this floor and grinned, " Follow me guys! My room is just over here."

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