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"Your so cute oh my god I don't know what I wanna name you" Sy'Teia Aw'd at her new puppy who she held in her arms.

She was back at her own apartment now and earlier today she went and got herself a puppy like she said she would.

Even though Ma'Kylin threatened to do something to it she paid no mind nor was she gonna take him serious.

Today she did a lot' she decorated her apartment with Christmas decorations, put her tree up even though Christmas was tomorrow.

She did more Christmas shopping and took all of the gifts out of her closet and wrapped everything.

She was very last minute.

"Hmm I like kyro..Ouu wait no I should name you kamikaze just to be petty but I'm not gone do it" she shook her knowing how Ma'Kylin would get.

He laid his head down in her lap getting comfortable, Teia Decided she was gonna stick with the name Kyro she liked it.

Teia's phone began to ring seeing her mom calling her. "Yes mother?" She answers

"Hey deadbeat daughter, what chu doing tonight? I'm cooking since it's Christmas eve" Her mom says

"Yeah I'll come' what time?" Teia asks moving kyro offa her lap so she could get up and open the door for whoever was knocking.

"Round 8 are you gonna bring your man? Who we haven't met yet." She rolled her eyes letting out a sigh.

"Yeah momma if he comfortable with coming then I'll bring him with me..if not y'all just won't see him" She tells her, unlocking the door opening it seeing Beezy making her mentally slap herself.

"Okay that's fin- ima call you back momma but yeah I'll see you" she interrupts Syanna before hanging up the phone.

"Why are you ..Beezy" Teia sighs having nothing to say as he walks hisself in.

They hadn't talked in a while well Teia was the one who stopped talking due to the face she was now in a relationship with Ma'Kylin.

"Came to see why u been dodgin me and shit, like wassup wit chu folks?" He stood infront of her waiting for a answer.

"I'm in a relationship. Duh you know this we was supposed to be just friends and you started trying to take shi to another level Beezy" she tells him.

Beezy sucked his teeth.

"Cus you knew I wanted you bra and ya ass gon go get wit another lame ass nigga' who da fuck even is dude?"

Still figuring dat out my damn self.

"Why would you want your dead homies ex girlfriend? Weirdo, now get out Beezy fa real" she said pushing him towards the door.

"I had chu first before anything, leave that nigga and come be wit me Teia. Fuck is u wit em fa?" He says grabbing both of her arms pulling her close.

Teia was honestly lost and confused at how he was acting and the stuff he was saying..Why was he just now doing all of this?

She got distracted as she got lost in her thoughts thinking to herself tuning Beezy out, his hand slipped around her throat attaching his lips to hers beginning to kiss her letting their tongues connect.

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