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"Shaving in ya ass is such a workout oh my goduhhhhh" Kia Dragged walking into the room Sy'Teia was sleeping in at the Air Bnb.

"Ain't it" Teia co-signed coloring in a coloring book to keep herself occupied.

Ma'Kylin was released from the hospital yesterday morning so Teia came home due to how weird he was acting.

She didn't trust him being by himself but his energy was off so she just left him alone.

He would just look at her and wouldn't say nothing to her, sometimes the looks he gave her would scare her but she'd brush it off. Ma'Kylin looked to innocent to try anything.

Well too her ..

"When am I gonna meet this nigga of yours that u ran off to the hospital wit, where he from?" Kia asked sitting down on the bed

"Ian got no nigga and he from chicago. Same account that was under my post das him" She told her

"Ouuuu dat nigga wit da skeleton Ap okay den bitchhh u got chu a baller so wait...if he from chicago what dat nigga doing out here?"

Sy'Teia humped her shoulders.

"I don't know maybe he visiting family or something. Can we move onto a different topic? I don't wanna talk about him right now" Teia sighed as she colored the Elmo picture.

She went to Walmart and bought a random coloring book. Mainly cus coloring was fun and she missed doing it.

"What he do to you? I'll beat his ass...oh my god. He nutted in you? Y'all fucked in that hospital room and now you pregnant das why u look so gloomy IMA BE A AUNTIEEE" Kia screamed being excited over nothing

A crazy look came across Teia's face at the fact of what Kia just said.

"Kia nobody was fucking and nobody is pregnant bitch don't play wit me" She quickly cleared up and Kia's excitement instantly calmed down.

"Mmcht bitch u got me hype fa nothing ou I hate chu hoe" Kia frowned smacking her lips.

"Nawl bitch u got cho self hype what da fuck."

"Fight me" She watched Kia stand up in the bed and square up like she was disabled. "Your going to hell hoe" Teia laughed

"We going together bae" Kia quickly kissed Teia on the lips before cackling running out the room.

"Bitch u gon kiss me knowing u be sucking dick oh my goddddddd" Sy'Teia wiped her mouth off frowning

"MY MOUTH BEEN CELIBATE FA 5 MONTHS AND 152 SUM DAYS" She heard Kia yell causing her to shake her head.

"Nasty ho" She mumbled grabbing her phone. "BITCH IS THAT MOOKIE??" She yelled looking at picture Ma'Kylin recently posted on instagram.

 "BITCH IS THAT MOOKIE??" She yelled looking at picture Ma'Kylin recently posted on instagram

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