Chapter 7

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Naruto slowly opened his eyes and then after that, he covers his eyes because of the bright light coming from outside. Where am I?

Naruto let out a sigh and sat up on his bed, looking around. "I am at my house, huh?" the blonde-haired boy rubbed his eyes and yawned, feeling way better than yesterday. "I wonder how I ended up here..." he asked himself, getting himself up from his bed and forcing himself to go straight to the bathroom to take a shower and change his clothes to prepare for today's training.

Once he was done he entered his kitchen. He was about to go to look into a fridge when he noticed something on the table. Breakfast? For me? But who?

After that, he just shrugged and sat down at the table, and quickly ate the prepared food. Then he left the house, heading to their place of meeting - the bridge. He knew Kakashi won't show up the whole morning so he decided to go practice a bit more. As soon as he reached his destination he greeted his friends. "Sasuke! Sakura-Chan!"

"Naruto!" the pink-haired girl waved at the blonde. "We've been waiting for you here, don't worry, you're not late or something, it's just... I'd like to help you with the training."

Sasuke, with crossed arms on his chest, was surprised by the girl's sudden act. He didn't expect something like this at all, to be honest. But, on the other hand, he didn't mind at all. He welcomed the change a bit, hoping she wasn't hiding anything.

"Kakashi will show up here after a few hours..." Sasuke spoke, smiling. "Let's go training without him."

"Okayyy! Let's go, guys!" Naruto exclaimed happily, running ahead to the certain place where they trained yesterday.


A few hours passed by, and the trio kept training. When Kakashi appeared on the bridge he was a bit confused about not finding his students there, but then he heard Naruto and Sakura something yelling at each other, so he followed their voices. To his surprise, he found them on the training grounds training together.

He saw Sasuke and Sakura standing together under the tree. Kakashi frowned because he didn't see Naruto anywhere.

"Kakashi sensei!!!"

Kakashi raised one eyebrow and looked up at the boy standing on the highest branch and waving at him. It also made those two kids turn around to face their sensei.

"I DID IT!!!!!! KAKASHI SENSEI! I DID ITTTT!!!" Naruto yelled happily.

Kakashi smiled under his mask. "I'm proud of you, Naruto," he stated, once the blonde-haired boy got back down to them.

"I did it thanks to Sakura. She helped me a lot!"

It surprised Kakashi, but on the other hand, he was happy that his students are able to work together and help each other. "If that is the case then, I am also proud of you, Sakura. I am proud of you all," Kakashi stated happily. "I think you should take a break. You did great."

Sasuke noticed Naruto's eyes lit up. He smiled a bit. Suddenly Naruto jumped onto Kakashi, wrapping his arms around the man's neck. "Thank you, Kakashi sensei!!!"

Kakashi laughed nervously, trying to pull away the boy. "Okay, okay... Get off of me, Naruto..." Once Naruto pulled away from his sensei, Kakashi cleared his throat and spoke. "It's almost lunchtime, do you want to eat together?"

Everyone nodded in absolute harmony. Of course, they went to eat at Naruto's favorite place. Everyone got their bows of ramen.

Sasuke couldn't help, but think about what caused Sakura's sudden change of her behavior. She suddenly acted so friendly to Naruto. One part of him wanted to trust that Sakura just changed, but the second part wasn't sure if he should trust her or not...

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