Chapter 2

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The blonde turned back. I'm sorry, guys... I didn't mean it... I don't know what has gotten into me. Then turned back and looked ahead. A sigh left his mouth. The boy knew that everyone will hate him no matter what. It was because of the demon inside him. They called him like that, although he wasn't the monster. But no one cared about it as it seemed.

He was meant to be alone from the day he was born. He only wanted to be loved. He wanted to feel the love, but he felt an emptiness inside of him instead.

He walked through the street full of people. No one gave him even a look. He was invisible to everyone. He decided to head to the river. Once he got there he sat down on the grass. The boy was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice that someone followed him.

Kakashi hid behind the tree and watched the boy sitting on the grass. He let out a sigh. Naruto...

Suddenly someone appeared right behind him, he took out his kunai and turned around, prepared to attack, but at the last moment, he stopped himself from doing so.

Iruka looked shocked at the first moment but then smiled nervously. "I'm sorry, Kakashi-San. I didn't want to surprise you."

Kakashi closed his eye for a second and sighed in relief that he didn't hit Iruka. He hid his kunai and looked at him. "What are doing here, Iruka sensei?"

"I could ask you the same thing," he said with a slight frown and looked at the blonde boy. "I'm here because of Naruto. I think you're here because of him too, aren't you?"

Kakashi nodded. "I don't know what to do, Iruka..." Kakashi spoke after a few minutes of silence. "Today... we had a mission and there was a man who kept calling Naruto a demon... I couldn't stand it at all, so I went there to help the boy, but then Naruto..."

Iruka smiled sadly. "Don't take it personally, Kakashi. He's not a bad kid. as you know he's been always called a demon or attention-seeker or a monster. Yeah... He kept making a clown of himself, just to get attention, but not for a bad reason. He wanted people would acknowledge him as a ninja." Iruka took a breath and exhaled. "Let's say when I was a kid I used to be the same. I kept trying to get the attention of people to acknowledge me as a ninja. Even though people laughed at me, as Naruto I also didn't have any friends. I was lonely like him right now."

Kakashi looked at the boy once more. "I know something about it. I heard people talking about Naruto badly many times..." Kakashi replied. "I want to help him, but I don't know why. It's not only because I'm his sensei now. I admit when I found out he will be on my team I saw just a burden, but now I see something else... I see a great ninja. He has a huge talent. I know that he will be a strong ninja one day. And who knows, maybe he will become a Hokage, after all."

Iruka looked at Kakashi, giving him a sincere smile. "I'm sure, you're an amazing sensei."

Then both looked at each other and disappeared. Then they suddenly appeared right behind Naruto.

The boy didn't expect it at all and flinched with himself a little. "What-What are you doing here, Kakashi sensei, Iruka sensei?" he stuttered. Naruto quickly jumped up and looked at Kakashi with an apologetical look. "I-I'm sorry, Kakashi sensei..."

"Why are you apologizing to me, Naruto?" he asked with a slight frown.

"Because of what I said to you before at the farm... I-I don't know what's gotten into me, but I didn't mean it."

"I'm not mad at you, Naruto..." he said with a tired voice. "When you ran off I followed you because I wanted to know if you'll be alright."

Naruto smiled and scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I'm sorry for making you worry, Kakashi sensei, haha."

"I'm not the only one who was worried about you," Kakashi spoke calmly.

Naruto turned to Iruka. "I'm sorry too, Iruka sensei..."

Iruka gave the boy a reassuring smile. "It's fine, Naruto. I'm happy you're okay."

Naruto sat down on the grass and laughed aloud. Kakashi and Iruka looked at one another and smiled too. Kakashi noticed Iruka's red cheeks. And looked away not to start blushing as well. He's quite cute when he's blushing. He thought to himself.

Naruto looked at Kakashi and Iruka and a little smirk appeared on his face. Iruka sensei loves Kakashi sensei for sure! He thought. Then he realized that he just ran away and didn't finish his mission. "Say, Kakashi sensei! Should I return to the farm and finish my mission?"

Kakashi raised his brow. Then he shook his head. "No need to worry about it. Sasuke said he'll do it instead of you, Naruto."

Naruto after hearing that, lowered his head. Sasuke said it, huh? I'm sure he thinks I'm just lazy ass. And what I said before I said it only because I didn't have to do it...

"What's the matter, Naruto?" Iruka asked with a slight worry about the blonde.

"N-Nothing, Iruka sensei. I'm fine," Naruto grinned. Nothing is fine at all...

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