Some things included body cameras that had to be placed on their bodies whenever they were on duty or acting with the authority of their position. There was also a more standardized uniform that was tailored to meet individual quirks as well.

"Standardised uniforms will also bring down the absurd amount of prices that support companies charge for specialized hero costumes," Momo said.

Overall, this new unit of the police's job was to handle large issues and if they encountered small issues they were meant to try to resolve the issue without quirk usage first. The police responded more to most things and had the authority to use their quirks as well if the individual in the incident couldn't be subdued without quirk usage.

"We need this rule in our world as well," Aizawa said, "I have seen many new heroes going overboard with their quirks when there was absolutely no need for them to use it in the first place."

However, everything was far more transparent in regard to police actions. There was also far less crime as well since people were permitted to use their quirks if they obtained permits from the police department.

"Please bring this law as well," Ochako said, "I can't imagine how useful my quirk could have been in day-to-day life."

Overall, Izuku saw the society that was under his control improving far better even though the overall structure of the government was the same as the previous government with only some changes. As such, he truly wondered how LeMillon could still see him as a villain when this was a war of freedom.

"But it cost so many lives," Mirio said.

"Listen Mirio, you know how many people lose their lives during hero-villain fights? Just because the media doesn't mention casualties doesn't make them go away," Izuku said exasperatedly.

LeMillon finally answered as all the previous thoughts had gone through Izuku's head as he waited for the answer. "I am a Pro Hero and one day you will be stopped," LeMillon said and Izuku sighed in disappointment.

"Man, he is more delusional than my crack addict uncle," Sero said.

"I am disappointed. If you were acting as a soldier then I could understand your actions but you claim you're a hero when you are trying to discriminate against and oppress people. I truly wondered if the past users would think of you because from what I see you are the villain in this story, not me." Izuku said and LeMillon eyes widen as he called what Izuku said bullshit and that he wasn't a villain.

"If you think you are right then stop throwing tantrums and prove him wrong," Dabi said with an annoyed frown.

Izuku raised an eyebrow and asked how he wasn't a villain when he is supporting an oppressive government that wants to keep control against the people's wishes. "Half of the country already supports the Verdant group and our side in the civil war. The hero system will come to an end even if I lost most likely due to how much people have come to hate it as I've only exposed more of the crimes they committed and the commission has only made matters worse with their actions." Izuku said.

"That is indeed true," Nezu said, "even if Verdant loses this war, people will still demand change in the system."

"Not only that, but since people have seen how Verdant's model of public safety works, they will want something similar if not exactly that," Naomasa added.

LeMillon said that the people are only blind because they are going to be giving up their freedoms once the war was over since Izuku wanted to be an emperor which would result in their freedoms being ripped from them. Izuku was stunned silent for a moment as he looked back at his Verdant Guards who just shrugged since they were confused about where that bull crap that came out of LeMillon's mouth came from.

MHA reacts to Verdant Emperor! (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now