Chapter 31 - The Proposal

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We couldn't book a flight until a week after I got the invitation which was cutting it close to the wedding date. The seven hour plane ride was just as bad as when I went back to America. Dell was there the entire time bugging me to no end.

When we landed, we were met at the airport by Antonio just like the first time. I congratulated him for his daughter's wedding.

"Yes, it is quite a blessing. She is going to become a queen!" He seemed enthused. I smiled as he led all of us to our limo. He told me that he would handle all the wedding preparations and I mentally groaned. If he was controlling about the float, I could only imagine him at his own daughter's wedding.

Luckily, I wouldn't have to take commands from him but I felt bad for everyone that did. Once the castle was in sight from the limo windows, I felt at home. It just felt...right as if I belonged here and nowhere else.

Once I was brought into the castle, Antonio told us that we were all given our old rooms. Nancy and Dell sheepishly admitted that they had forgotten how to get to their rooms. Antonio led them away while I easily made my way back to my old room. I rushed through the halls and past the servants carrying my luggage. I swung open my door only to find my room looking pristine and untouched just as it had when I first arrived. I set down my carry-on bag and hopped onto my bed.

I sighed as I sunk into the mattress. Servants started walking in setting down my suitcases in the corner. I heard a bark and my attention rose to the door as Bandit came running in almost tripping one of the people holding a small bag.

"Bandit," I yelled as he joined me on the bed and began licking my face. I pushed him off and rubbed him all over. He looked like he had grown a lot in the last three weeks.

"Sorry I couldn't keep him on the leash," an old voice said from the doorway.

"Grandma!" I jumped off the bed and ran to give her a hug. She smiled and hugged me back.

"Everyone missed you," she commented.

"Including you?"

"Especially me," Grandma corrected.

"I missed you too," I replied with a smile. "How is Luke as king?"

"He isn't king yet dear. He takes the crown after his wedding," Grandma explained.

I nodded. "How is that going?"

Grandma waved her hand. "Crazy as usual, I informed Miss Julie that you had arrived so expect her soon. I will see you at dinner dear. Until then I have some things to attend to."

She left leaving Bandit with me. I returned to the bed and began petting him again when I heard footsteps in my doorway. I turned only to see Julie with a huge smile on her face.

"I know you're not good at the girly stuff but can I ask you to be a girl for a few minutes?" She carefully stepped into my room.

I ran over to her and gave her a big hug which she didn't hesitate returned. When we broke apart, I began yelling, "You're getting married!"

"I'm getting married!" She shouted in return and we began jumping up and down and hugging one more. It was a genuine girl moment.

"I want to know everything! How did he propose?" I closed the door behind her and sat her down on my bed. Bandit wagged his tail as she sat but she was too excited to notice.

"Okay well, we had only been dating for a month but we've known each other since I was three. Anyway, on our one month anniversary - which I didn't want to celebrate but Luke insisted - he took me out to the gazebo and had it lit just for us. He had a table set up just for us and we had dinner there then he asked me to dance. I said yes then we began slow dancing." Julie paused for a second to take a couple deep breaths.

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