Chapter 17 - The Injury

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"Alright, you all are aware that this is not a challenge where you are competing to finish quickly. There is no first, second, or third place. This is to test to discover if you are physically able to keep up with the extreme life of a king or queen. Do you comprehend?" A thin woman introduced to us as Rosanna asked.

She was one of the judges on the Royal Court. She was incredible gaunt and wore glasses that took up half her face. She was currently becoming more annoying than Lady Monida.

"Yes," I agreed eager to get this overrated challenge done with. Luke and Elliot nodded as well and soon Rosanna moved out of our path. In front of us was the expansive lake. Part of it was sectioned off with floating ropes that lead to another part of the shore. We had to swim across it where there would be three bikes awaiting our arrival on shore. We would have to bike for the length of the little forest. As soon as the trees thinned out, there would be a marker to tell us when we would have to drop our bikes and begin running.

"Remember that this is not timed. We request that you take your time and if you have to take a break please do not hesitate," Rosanna's voice cut in from behind us. I sighed as I faced the water taking my place between the two boys. I was not all that excited for this challenge as simple as it seemed.

"Good luck," I mumbled to them as we heard the signal to start. All three of us jumped into the water at the same time and I began to swim. I had practiced a few more times and had a newly refined swimming skill. I wasn’t ready for the Olympics but I could pass this test easily. All I wanted to do was get the swimming part over with and even though this wasn't a race, I was determined to finish first to prove the point that I could actually win this competition. I needed to prove to everyone that even though I hadn’t trained all my life for this like Elliot and Luke had, I was a serious competitor.

I swam non-stop until I reached the shore. I pulled myself out of the water and rested on the ground for a while. I allowed myself time to catch my breath. I searched in the water and saw no one in the distance, meaning both Luke and Elliot had to have gotten ahead of me which was expected. After I could breathe evenly, I went to get a bike when I saw three of them. That had to of meant that I was the first to finish the swimming course. Odd, but I didn’t question it.

Not bothering to even begin to wonder how I beat the boys in the swimming part of the course, I searched for the bikes. I quickly located the three bikes that each had a different color: blue, green, and pink. I instantly knew which bike was meant for me but that did not stop me from grabbing the green bike. I glanced over my shoulder to make sure that the coast was indeed clear before taking the bicycle that was obviously not for me.

I easily began to pedal the bicycle down the dirt path. It was true that you can never forget how to ride a bike. It had been quite a few years since I had ridden a two wheeled vehicle but the skill came effortlessly. Unlike swimming or running, I didn’t have any problems with steering or pedaling the bike. I actually slowed my pace as the tress passed by me. I enjoyed the slight breeze that blew through my hair and my lungs took pleasure in the fresh air.

Soon the evergreen trees began to thin out and the dirt path emerged into an opened field. A small bike rack awaited my arrival after the forest was behind me. As I spotted it, I hopped off the seat and walked the bicycle to the stand. I allowed myself another break on a nearby rock suddenly craving a bottle of water. I peered behind me as I allowed my breaths to return to normal and wondered what had happened to the boys. Surely they faster than me in every physical way possible so I didn’t understand how it was possible for me to have such an enormous lead on them.

I inspected the trail in front of me and found that the dirt path emerged from the forest and curved. That permitted a view of the forest on the right and an expansive open field on the left. It wasn't much of a scenic route but I shrugged and moved on.

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