Chapter 25 - The Ball

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I studied my reflection in the mirror. I twirled in my light blue and gold lace ball gown. I couldn't wait to see Elliot's face when he saw me in it. I had managed to get out of using a corset causing me to feel great in this outfit.

My hair was pulled back in a neat bun with the few hairs that fell out being curled. It looked very elegant and added with the light blue eye shadow and dark eyeliner my ocean blue eyes were very noticeable. Though the makeup wouldn't be seen all that much since I had a light blue mask to conceal my eyes. Mask weren't required but that was half the fun of the theme.

I smiled as the finishing touch was added. My mother's beautiful and delicate tiara was placed gently on top of my head. Stepping back to study the finished product, I couldn't help but think that I looked like a genuine princess.

I took a deep break and then let it out slowly. Everything had to be perfect tonight. My plan for Julie and Luke would be put into action tonight and meanwhile I had to be polite and accept a few dances from suitors and peers. My plan could very easily be messed up and I did not have time to make a Plan B.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" Grandma's voice called from my doorway. I shuffled my feet as a blush rose to my cheeks.

Grandma came into the room and inspected me. When she approved she held out her arm. I took it and we began our slow walk to the ballroom.

"Now remember Francesca, don't turn down a single offer to dance," Grandma lectured. "The judges will be in sight but they have spies everywhere watching your every move."

We stopped just before the closed double doors of the ballroom. I could hear the steady beat of the music inside.

"I will make you proud," I promised as I let go of her arm.

Grandma V smiled. "You already have." She pushed a strand of hair back that fell in front of my face. "Now go and enjoy yourself."

I nodded and the doors were opened wide for us. The music continued but all faces turned toward the entrance eager to see who was entering the room. I kept my back straight and my head held high. I wanted to make sure I looked like I belonged there. As soon as I reached the middle of the room with faces following me all the way, I was approached by Dell.

She was wearing a dress similar to Ellie's parade dress. They had become fast friends with each other despite Ellie's disability. Both were excited to have someone around their age to play with.

"Wow!" Dell glanced at me up and down as everyone returned to their own conversations. "You look like a princess!"

"Thanks," I muttered. The band started to play something a little more upbeat so I invited Dell to be my first dance partner. She gladly accepted and we began just swinging our arms in odd fashion. Before long we were both laughing and when the dance was over I gave her a little curtsy and she went off to find Ellie.

Then the first man of the night asked me to dance, I had to accept the offer and thankfully he was nice. I was passed along from person to person without a care but most men got a huge grin on their face when it was their turn. I was having such a lovely time when one older gentleman spun me right into the arms of Marcus.

The blood drained from my face as I backed away from him suddenly no longer in the mood to dance. I hadn't seen him since the one fateful night but I had never wanted to.

"Care to give me a dance Princess?"

I turned my head to the side in disgust more than prepared to tell him to shove his offer down his throat. It didn't take me long though to spot at least three people with their eyes glued to me. I silently cursed in my head knowing that Marcus had planned to trap me in this way. There was no possibility of me saying no to his request. He was using my situation for his benefit.

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