Chapter 28 - The Speech

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I sat near the fountain's edge outside in the garden. I couldn't even remember the last time I had been here. It felt so peaceful and relaxing. I had to give my speech in an hour. The speech that I had to redo entirely because of the letter I had received.

I pushed all of that out of my mind and tried to relax. I let the calm sound of the water distract my thoughts. My chaperone was a few feet away surveying the area making sure Elliot was no where nearby. I felt like I was being followed by the secret service only it was more annoying and obvious.

I sighed as I heard footsteps approaching. I looked up in the direction of the sound only to see Luke.

"Hey," he greeted as he took a seat next to me.

"Hey," I mumbled back.

"Ready for today's events?"

"Sure, are you?" I asked hesitantly. No one knew about the letter besides Nancy and Grandma.

He shrugged. "Yeah; no sweat."

I stayed quiet after that just enjoying my alone time and soaking in the sun.

"I wanted to thank you," Luke brought up suddenly.

I looked over at him. "For what?"

"For giving me that favor." He wringed his hands together clearly embarrassed.

"You're welcome." I smiled knowingly.

"What's wrong?" I looked at him confused. "You seem a little down."

I sighed. "Besides that fact that I'm watched like a hawk; nothing."

Luke raised an eyebrow and I sighed once again under his stare. "Okay, it's Elliot."

"What about him?"

"He told me that he loves me," I said quietly so I wouldn't catch the attention of my chaperone.

"You're afraid that he doesn't mean it," Luke guessed.

I nodded. "I said it first and I meant it when I did. I just don't know whether I should trust him."

"With his playboy reputation you wouldn't be too surprised if he was lying?"

"Exactly," I agreed. "How did you guess?"

"That is exactly what Elliot was afraid you would think," Luke explained and I met his eyes. "He told me. You two might not be allowed to see one another but I can still see you both."

"Wow," I breathed. "Did he tell you anything else?"

"Just everything about your night together," he said with a small smile.

I put my head in my hands and groaned, "Oh no."

"Don't worry; he left out the juicy stuff." Luke winked as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh joy."

"He also said that he couldn't believe you told him the three words he's been longing to hear," Luke said. I glanced over at him knowing now that he was lying.

"Okay he didn't say that exactly but he did tell me that he was shocked that you said it first since he planned to tell you anyway," he said but didn't let me comment. "He hadn't been told those words since he was very little and that was from his parents. Since he hasn't felt love, he was afraid to tell you too early for fear you would run away."

I believed that. "He told you all that?"

"Just like you tell Julie," Luke pointed out.

I shook my head. "I do not tell her my inner most feelings."

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