Chapter 10 - The Birthday Dinner

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I woke up the next morning before Julie could start pounding on my door. I got dressed and snuck out of my room. I was determined to have a relaxing morning since I predicted that my afternoon would be a bit hectic.

I snuck through the halls though no one paid the slightest attention to me. Finally I came to the garden which was thankfully deserted except for the occasional gardener. I walked slowly up the path to the fountain and just let myself relax.

"Escaping the pressures already?" a voice called and just like that I thought my morning was ruined. I sighed as I peered over at the owner of the voice only to see a smiling Ethan.

I smiled back. "Hello."

"Happy Birthday," he greeted as he caught up to me. I rolled my eyes and continued on my way to the fountain with Ethan by my side.

"Why are you up so early? Shouldn't you be sleeping in? This is your day after all," Ethan asked as we both took a seat on the edge of the fountain.

"I don't want it to be my day," I admitted quietly.

"Why not?" Ethan asked with interest.

"None of my other birthdays have been a huge celebration so why should this one be any different?" I explained.

He thought a moment. "Well, it's all the more reason to be excited. You are going to be a legal adult and you'll be passed the drinking age."

"It's not twenty-one here?" I asked and Ethan shook his head. I stayed quiet as I was unsure of what to do with this information. "How old is Elliot?" It slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it.

Ethan chuckled lightly. "He's 21."

"And Luke? 

"He's 24."

"I'm the youngest of the group!" I yelled with realization.

Ethan nodded and looked at me oddly.

"So..." I drifted off having a million questions but I didn't know how to ask any of them.

Ethan seemed to read my mind. "Ask me anything, I'll answer."

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

He smiled politely, "Because you were nice to me, I could only return the feeling."

"Oh," I mumbled quietly. "Well, thank you. Um...I heard you have a sister?"

He nodded, "Yes little Ellie. She's 12 years old."

"You three are all nine years apart," I noticed quickly.

Ethan gave me a weird look, "Do you often to random math in your head?"

I shrugged. "Sometimes."

"Yes, well anyway, I know she would like to meet you. Ever since Elliot brought you up at home, she's done nothing but pester him nonstop to introduce the two of you." Ethan looked off in the distance with a sad smile on his face.

"I would love to meet her," I encouraged instantly thinking of Dell.

"She will be very happy to hear that. You two have more in common than you think," Ethan added shifting into a comfortable position on the stone.

"You have a wife?" I asked changing the subject.

"Fiancé," he corrected.

"You seemed awfully friendly to me when we first met," I couldn't help but point out.

"I am related to Elliot. I guess it sort of runs in the family," he said with a laugh.

"You might be related to him but at least you're nicer," I stated.

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