Liu Liang opened the door, and saw that it was her own sister, and wondered, "What are you doing in the outer courtyard so late?"

    Tweety glanced at the direction of Li Zhongjue's bedroom, but she didn't see the light, and said in a low voice, "Brother, go in and talk."

    Pushing her elder brother After entering the room, Tweety closed the door.

    Tweety's voice inside was extremely low, and after a while there was a voice that Liu Liang couldn't suppress.

    "You're crazy!"

    It was just that, and then fell down again.

    After a long time, the door opened again, and Tweety walked out.

    Liu Liang's face turned pale, and seeing that Tweety had already walked out the door, she still couldn't help holding her back: "Think about it clearly, do you really want to do this? One is not good... all of us..."

    Tweety suddenly He interrupted him: "No, father and mother have been with the master and wife for so many years, and the affairs outside the Li family are taken care of by the father, and the mother is still the second young master's wet nurse. The master and wife will not miss the old relationship. Miss, I am innocent too."

    "Brother, just help me this time, I only beg you this time."

    These few words calmed Liu Liang's heart. Their parents have been with the master and wife for more than 20 years, and they are indeed better than ordinary servants. the same.

    The two brothers and sisters looked at each other, and it was Liu Liang who was defeated.

    Tweety smiled, turned around and left the small courtyard, took a look at the direction of the inner courtyard, but chose the road leading to the back door of Li's house, and it was impossible for Li Yunbi to express regret today.

    Liu Liang watched his sister's figure turn out of the small courtyard, then glanced at the direction of Li Zhongjue's bedroom, swallowed nervously, closed his eyes for a long while, closed the door, and the candles in the room went out after a while up.

    Li Zhongjue only came back in the starry night, and Liu Liang, who had been waiting for him to come back to fetch water for him, was gone today. Seeing the darkness in his room, Li Zhongjue knew that it was too late, and he probably fell asleep and the candle was burned out.

    He was exhausted, and there was no point in waking people up, he just washed up and fell asleep, and went straight to the dyeing workshop the next morning, as usual, because he didn't have a meal at home.

    When Lu Chengxiao and Babao came to visit with gifts, they only saw Qian Shi.

    Qian's is different from Li Cunyi. Compared with Li Cunyi's respect for Lu Chengxiao, Qian feels that her family has already repaid her life-saving kindness, so she treats Lu Chengxiao or the Lu family more for face. He greeted each other, exchanged a few greetings, and then there was nothing to talk about.     Mrs. Qian took the initiative to ask the maid beside her: "Where is Zhong Jue? Usually Cheng Xiao is the fastest walker

    when Cheng Xiao comes? You go to the Li family and have a look."

Coupled with Li Cunyi's servants, now one of the couple is the big housekeeper, in charge of the Zhuangzi shop outside Li's house, and the other follows Qian's in charge of the inner court affairs. Liuliang and Cui'er are her and Li's housekeeper's sons and daughters.

    Now hearing Qian's question, the Li family hurriedly responded with a smile and went to the outer court to find someone.

    After a while, he came back with six taels and confessed to Qian: "This child fell asleep before the second young master came back last night, but when he woke up in the morning, the second young master had already gone out, so the news hasn't been delivered to the second young master yet. Young master, I didn’t discipline him well, that’s why he dared to be so lazy, he really should be taught a lesson.” However,

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