But later Lu Chengzong proposed to go back to manage the shop in the town. Lu Chengzhang's eyes were full of excitement, and Lu Xun felt something was wrong. After discussing it with Mrs. Chen, sure enough, Mrs. Chen refused.

    Clan society always emphasizes the importance of progeny, and the big families are afraid that the property will be scattered and the family fortune will be ruined after several divisions. They have always implemented the eldest son inheritance system, and the people follow suit. Even if the family is divided, all the eldest son Accounted for 70% of the family business.

    There is no reason why the second son is in charge of the big shop in the county, and the eldest son is thrown back to the town to manage the small shop, Chen categorically denied this.

    Lu Xun had a broad heart. At that time, Lu Chengzhang was still young. After he made the decision to let both brothers work by his side, he didn't take it too seriously.

    But when he went back to Changfeng Town for the Dragon Boat Festival, Lu Xun saw the problem. At that time, he only thought it was Zhou's problem. He discussed with Chen that Zhou could go back to live in the town in a month or two. It wasn't until Liu Yu came to get the cloth, and last night when Cheng Xiao talked about doing business, plus Liu Yanping's visit today and his temptation just now.

    Lu Xun finally realized clearly that it might not have much to do with the second daughter-in-law, and it was his son who was really crooked.

    Lu Chengzhang paused for a while, and finally came back to his senses, "Father, our family already has two shops. The shop in the town sells one or two horses, and the shop in the county sells three or four horses. It's been like this for the past two years."

    Lu Chengzhang Xun asked: "Then, have you ever calculated how much backlog there is in the store?"

    Of course Lu Chengzhang knew that ordinary small cloth shops don't need to prepare warehouses, but they have warehouses in Lufeng, so he didn't give up: "But we have been here for the past two years. Yes , the overstocked cloth can be sold in the next year."

    Lu Xun nodded: "Yes, it can be sold, the new cloth continues to be overstocked, the money is in the stock, and the cash you see is just less."

    Lu Chengzhang didn't speak, Lu Xun sighed : "Our family has only been in the county for more than two years, less than three years, why can we overwhelm the time-honored cloth shop in the county? It is all because of the price and style advantages of being able to cooperate with Yuanzhou's Longxing cloth shop, Then, have you ever thought that if one day Longxing becomes bigger and we don’t need to join in together, is there any obligation for them to take us all the time?”

    Lu Chengzhang was dumbfounded: “Master Qian of Longxing is not Mrs. Li’s. Clan brother? With the relationship between our family and the Li family, even if Longxing grows bigger, he should be able to take us with him, after all, it doesn't cost him much money to take us, it's just incidental."

    Lu Xun gave He laughed angrily. He didn't know that the second child had different standards for himself and others.

    He brought fabrics to the Liu family, as if he had been beaten by Qiu Feng and took advantage of the sky. If he co-authored Yuan Zhou's Qian family, it should be their family?

    It’s just that Lu Xun didn’t say that, and Liu Yu hasn’t entered the house yet. He didn’t want to plant thorns in the hearts of his two sons and daughter-in-laws now, but he became more determined to polish Lu Chengzhang’s mind, and said earnestly: “You can see people walking on stilts at the temple fair. Ever? No matter what kind of stilts you walk on, you can’t do without your own feet. Relying on others is only temporary, and only when you become stronger can you be the most reliable. ①

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