Not wanting to delay the sale, and also afraid of making customers wait for a long time, he simply asked Liu Yan'an to take a trip, with only a small baggage, and it was cheaper and faster to go back and forth by boat than driving a mule cart.

    On this trip, he also brought back to Liu Yu the money from the sale of the clothes that Xiu Niang sent over last time, 1,200 Wen, Cui Erniang got 240 Wen, Liu Yu got 9 One hundred and sixty wen, combined with the one hundred and sixty wen put on the account last time, it is one thousand one hundred and twenty wen.

    Cui Erniang heard from Liu Yan'an that Liu Yu invited two daughters-in-law in the village to help with simple sewing, but this time she did not give money, but directly gave copper coins, saying that it was convenient for Liu Yu to pay her wages, so that the deductions for getting the fabric back before were deducted. Fifteen taels, Liu Yu now has thirty-eight taels of silver and fifteen bolts of cloth in his hands.

    As for Cui Erniang, she heard that Liu Yu was very happy to invite someone, so she asked Liu Yan'an to bring the message back so that the payment could be delivered faster.

    Because Cui Erniang discovered that although selling Liu Yu's clothes is only 20% profit, but because of the high unit price, she earns no less than the profit of a single piece of clothing in her embroidery shop, and because Liu Yu's clothes are of good style, they are basically hanging on eye-catching clothes. The location can attract business, not only attracting a small number of high-spending people in the town, but also because of the increase in people entering the store, it also brought up the business of low-end ready-made clothing in her store. She tasted the sweetness and wished Liu Yu's styles can be supplied faster, don't always fail, at least ensure that there are three or five eye-catching high-end products in the store at all times.

    Liu Yan'an naturally agreed and conveyed the words to Liu Yu.

    Liu Yu wanted to be quick, but in the village women with good needlework skills were easy to find, but those who could embroider were not so easy to find. To sell clothes at a high price, it is obviously not enough to rely on materials, colors and tailoring, and embroidery is also extremely difficult. An important plus element, design, cutting and embroidery, Liu Yu's material for three people is already the limit.

    However, three sets of new models are released every two days, and they can be delivered to Cui Erniang Embroidery Shop continuously and stably. As a high-end supplement, this is enough. Many well-off people in Changfeng Town know that Cui Erniang Embroidery Shop will sell high-end models. , the style is better than that in the county, although the price is not much cheaper than buying in the county, but it can't stand close, you can turn around to have a look every three days or so.     Especially knowing that these were not embroidered by Cui Erniang herself, but privately ordered by a good embroiderer who is mysterious and unwilling to reveal her identity, and there are very few styles. was bought.     How can there be a sense of grabbing clothes when buying clothes? Cui Erniang's Embroidery Shop quickly became a treasure in the eyes of wealthy wives and ladies in Changfeng Town and a must-visit place every two days.     This is for later.     In late May, ramie is ripe.     The reason why Yuanzhou is rich in grass cloth is that the climate and soil here are very suitable for ramie planting. Almost every household of the people grows a few acres of ramie, which can harvest three seasons a year. The end of May is the season for harvesting hemp. , almost every household was busy, and some small stalls for collecting hemp began to appear in the market in Xifeng Town.

    Most of the people who came to harvest at this time were the dried ramie silk after cutting and peeling the hemp, and simply processed the dried ramie silk. It took a lot of effort. In previous years, after simple processing, the raw silk would be sent to the town to sell raw silk directly.

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