Lu Xun was overjoyed when he received the news, and immediately asked Babao to rent a fast horse to chase Lu Chengxiao at the county car dealership. When it was dark, the county government temporarily took over a big case. Today, all the yamen servants from the morning class, fast class, and strong class have been released. Now in the yamen, except for the county magistrate who is waiting for news, the gatekeepers, and the prison guards, only There is no one left.

    I heard that even the yamen servants of the county magistrate who were standing on duty for the county magistrate were sent out, and even the strong squad was dispatched. Lu Xun also knew that it was indeed a big deal, but now there was nowhere to inquire about it, so he could only go back and wait. So, twice a day, he asked the eldest son Chengzong to come here to see if the arresters had returned. This visit lasted for three days, three days. Occasionally, one or two arresters in the county government came back to report, but that was also the case. He walked in a hurry, and left again as soon as he replied, the Lu family father and son never had a chance to inquire about Liu Yu's affairs.

    Besides, Liu's family in Yangshan Village, because Liu Yanqing was on duty in the county, lived in the county on a daily basis, and only returned to Yangshan Village during holidays, so Liu Yanqing was away handling cases for days, and everyone in the Liu family knew nothing about it.

    Liu Yuman thought that his eldest cousin had already brought her the message to Lu Feng's cloth shop, but he had no idea that Lu Chengxiao was looking for her all over the world at this time.

    But the Wei family found Liu Yu, and besides worshiping the ancestors, he also took Liu Yu to familiarize himself with the various families in the clan, because Liu Yu was so similar to the late Mrs. Liu when he was young, and the elders in the clan were slightly older. They were all quite sad, and remembered that when Liu Huaiyu came, not only the Wei family invited members of the family to a banquet, but each family took turns to invite Liu Yu to their home to recognize their relatives.

    So for three days in a row, Wei Shi was so busy with Liu Yu that he couldn't get away, and he didn't even make it a schedule to buy some clothes for Liu Yu.

    This is all for later.

    But he said that Babao was chasing Lu Chengxiao, fearing that he would miss something, he traveled all the way at night. Originally, it would take three days for a fast horse to travel, but he insisted on arriving outside the gate of Yuanzhou City in the middle of the second day's night, but that's it, he didn't Can catch up with Lu Chengxiao.

    It can be seen that Lu Chengxiao was just like him, running in the starry night, because he was half a day earlier than Babao, he probably rushed to Yuanzhou City before the city gate was closed.

    Babao was very anxious, but seeing the closed city gate, he could only wait outside the city.

    At five quarters of Yin time, the morning bell rang, the city gate opened, Babao was the first to lead a horse into the city, and he was also the one who stayed with Lu Chengxiao in Yuanzhou for several years, but he didn't know where to look for him, and he didn't go anywhere else , quickly went straight to Yuanzhou Academy where the master and servant had stayed for several years.

    Lu Chengxiao is not very good at reading and learning, and he is not interested in it. After studying for a few years, he left the academy last winter, but the friendship he has made with his classmates in the academy over the past few years is not in vain. Bao squatted outside the gate of the city and pondered for half the night. It is expected that compared to a person who inquired in the huge Yuanzhou City alone, the third young master of his family appointed him to seek help.

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