The two had their own thoughts, Mrs. Chen stroked the brocade handkerchief in her hand, and said: "I will not go around with you, I just want to tell you clearly, whether you like the marriage or not is the second thing, the first thing to pay attention to is Do you know these four words, you know?"

    Liu Yu's face was slightly cold, but there was still a little smile on his face: "I don't quite understand what Ma'am means."

    Mrs. Chen smiled, and carelessly put the brocade handkerchief on her fingers one by one from left to right Tangling: "Whether I understand or not, I will put the words here. The daughter-in-law of my Chen family will not be a village girl. It is better for the girl to go to my house to get promoted, otherwise he will marry a wife and start a family in the future. It is not good-looking. You, girl, aren't you?"

    No matter how good your temper is, you will be laughed at, this one obviously won't be able to fall in love with you without being a little girl, and will only step on you even harder. The expression in Liu Yu's eyes also turned cold, and he replied with a smile: "Shouldn't Madam go talk to Mr. Ling? Whether you see or not, the legs and feet grow on Mr. Ling, don't you?

    " She still showed her fox tail and stretched out her claws, she snorted and said: "Don't worry about it, girl, I will control my son naturally, girl just care about her conduct."     She leaned close to Liu Yu, and talked with her Standing side by side, squinting eye to eye: "It's better to do less things like buying embroidery and buying them in the study. People value themselves, and my Chen family will never have such a daughter-in-law coming in.     " With a snort of disdain, she swung her handkerchief, brushed Liu Yu's shoulder, and walked away gracefully.     Liu Yu stood still in the same place, people value self-respect, self-respect, this is the second time she heard this word since Zizhong was born.     Last time it was Lu Chengxiao, this time it was Chen Sheng's mother.     It was as if the left cheek was slapped, and then the right cheek was slapped again, and the four big characters were neatly and balanced.     Lu Chengxiao was in the alley not far from Liu Yu, half hidden behind the firewood shed built by the family, not only could he hear Chen Sheng's mother's words clearly, but also absorbed the self-mockery on Liu Yu's face at this moment in the eyes.     Even if I felt that what I said hurt someone yesterday, it was not as heart-piercing as hearing another person say almost the same words about her today.

    Lu Chengxiao no longer cared about how Mrs. Chen said Liu Yu knew Chen Sheng, he didn't care, he just felt heartbroken and remorseful, regretted that he had done almost the same thing as Mrs. Chen today, and hated why he didn't take it as nothing back then He found out that if he took over the purse, then why would there be something about Chen Sheng today, and let her be humiliated again.

    He hated himself even more, now he couldn't even get close, Lu Chengxiao knew clearly that as long as he stepped out of this alley and appeared in front of Liu Yu, he would paste the words "self-respect" on his face and sprinkle salt on her wound.

    He didn't even dare to let Liu Yu know that he had witnessed everything. If so, it would only make Liu Yu even more reluctant to see him again.

    Therefore, no matter how painful or regretful, no matter how much you want to ask for a forgiveness, you can't take a step forward.

    He watched her half-raised her head to the sky, and after a long time, it fell down, then smiled again, and left this place.

    After a long time, Lu Chengxiao walked out of the alley, stood where Liu Yu had just stood, and raised his head to the sky.

    There was nothing in the air, and after a while, he suddenly realized that maybe the only use of raising his head to the sky like this was to force back the tears in his eyes.

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