Chapter 51

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Rumi's POV

"Izuku!" I feel my voice grow hoarse from the screaming but kept going anyway. "Izuku!" I push away any rubble the was in my way and keep digging down. Many heroes were around me, digging through the ground to look for either Izuku or Shigiraki.

"Hey! I've got something over here!" I turn to the voice and see Endeavour holding a piece of cement just above his head. I run over to him and look down to the ground to see blood dripping from some rubble. I grip the edge and lift as much as I can, throwing the rubble over.

I look down and feel myself feel nauseous at the sight. It was Shigiraki. He was almost split in two and was missing part of his arm. He was bleeding from several places and was definitely dead. Even if he had hundreds of healing quirks.

I feel my breathing begin to quicken until a large hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Don't worry Mirko, we will find him." I give Endeavour a small nod as I go back to lifting up some rubble.

It didn't take long to find something. A couple meters away from Shigiraki's body, was a pile of blood. No other resemblance of a body.

"Over here!" I feel tears sting my eyes.

No, this can't be it. This can't be Izuku's. Some heroes run up to me and one bends down to grab a sample.

I keep lifting up rubble to find even more blood. More blood than even Izuku could survive without.


This can't be it.

I feel my sight start to fade as my head begins to feel dizzy. A pair of hands catch me as I fall back.

Please don't leave me Izuku.

21st December 2250

I feel my breath grow faster as I sit up and take in my surroundings. The smell of antibiotics filled my nose while a blaring white wallpaper stood on each wall. A hospital. I try remember what happened until it snaps. Izuku!

I tear away the IV leads going into my arms and charge into the hospital. Trying to gather any attention of a passing doctor as I can and soon enough a familiar face comes up to me.

"Rumi!" I look around to find Recovery girl approaching me.

"Please. Tell me what happened to Izuku." I feel tears sting my eyes as they begin to fall.

"Let's go back to you're room first." She hides her face slightly at the mention of Izuku. I walk back in and let them inject my arm with the IV needles and stare at Recovery girl. She picks up a clipboard and starts talking to me.

"First of all. During the fight, you suffered several bro-" I cut her off before she can tell me what I suffered.

"No, I don't care about what happened to me. What happened to Izuku." Tears were now streaming down my face as the thought of losing him had entered my heart. She lets out a sigh as she puts down her clipboard.

"To start with, the blood you found was Izuku's. No body was able to be recovered and people believe that, with the amount of blood that was his, is that his body was completely destroyed by the falling debris and the only thing left was the blood." She places a hand on mine as tears sting her eyes. "I'm very sorry, but even if we found a body, he isn't alive." I clench my eyes shut as tears fall freely.

My breathing becomes quicker as I feel myself slipping.

"No." I mutter to myself. I bring my hands up and grip the sides of my head. "It can't be. He has to be alive." My tears were dripping onto my nose.

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